/ / Strawberry pineapple: a description of the variety, photo, reviews

Strawberry pineapple: a description of the variety, photo, reviews

We started growing strawberries in Russia in the XVcentury. Originally domestic gardeners cultivated only strawberries green. This variety was quite large and fragrant fruits. In the XVII-XVIII centuries. in the culture began to introduce even more delicious strawberry muscat. And only in the XIX century in Russia was imported pineapple strawberries. It is this species that is grown on suburban areas to this day. Below in the article, in all details, we will understand what exactly is a pineapple strawberry (description, grades, photos, reviews).


With pineapple, the name of this berry is absolutely notconnected. It does not resemble the form or taste of a popular tropical fruit. There was a name "pineapple" from the Latin word ananassa (strawberry garden). Whence this strawberry undertook, it is for certain unknown to biologists. It is believed that it was first obtained in Holland. It is assumed that the breeders used Chilean and Virginia strawberries as a basis. In another way this variety is also called large-fruited or garden. In the wild, it does not occur.

strawberry pineapple variety description photo

Strawberry Description

The berries of pineapple strawberries are not actually fruitsare. In fact, it's just an overgrown planting plant. The color of the berries of a culture such as pineapple strawberry (photos are shown on the page), usually have red. However, there are also pink or white varieties of it. The main features of this cultural plant are:

  • powerful socket;
  • triple leaves on long petioles (constantly renewed);
  • apical inflorescence;
  • creeping branchy shoots, rooted in knots;
  • large flowers more than 2 cm in diameter;
  • the presence of a pronounced subchamber.

The size, shape, color and taste of the false fruits of strawberries depend on this particular variety.

strawberry pineapple variety description photo review

Methods of cultivation

In the industrial way, the pineapple strawberry isUnfortunately, the country is not cultivated practically. But in the gardens and vegetable gardens of private traders it can be seen almost everywhere. There are several ways to grow it:

  • on the beds covered with dark film;
  • in greenhouses;
  • in plastic bags;
  • in plastic containers.

The latter two methods are usually usedIf the soil in the area for cultivating this crop does not fit well. Only strawberries like light sandy soils with a humus content of no more than 3%. On heavy clay soils, because of the increased moisture in this culture, roots often start to rot.

What are the varieties

Selection work with pineapple strawberries, includingincluding in our country, is held constantly. For hundreds of years of cultivation of this culture, several thousand of its varieties were bred. Conditionally all of them can be divided into two large groups:

  • remontant;
  • large-fruited.

Strawberry pineapple of the first variety ison sites of summer residents the leading position. The main feature of the repairing varieties is that they are able to bear fruit 2-3 times per season. Berries in strawberries of this variety are usually not too large. However, in this case such varieties tend to be unpretentious and do not require any special attention from the gardener.

strawberry pineapple photo

The main advantage of large-fruited strawberriesare, of course, large berries. In some cases, their weight can reach 150 g. The taste and aroma of large-berry strawberries are usually better than those of the repair. But with this and with regard to care, it is somewhat more demanding.

Of course, like any other gardenculture, pineapple strawberry can be heat-loving or frost-resistant, early maturing or late maturing. Also resistant to disease varieties of this plant. There are also varieties that are very suitable for growing on a balcony, in pots or boxes.

Best repair strawberry

Most varieties of this group, and in particularderived in recent years, is characterized by good taste qualities and is excellent for growing in suburban areas. However, the most popular among gardeners is still a repairing pineapple strawberry:

  • Mara de Bois.
  • Albion.
  • Temptation.

The best large-berry varieties

Strawberry pineapple of this group also takes pride of place on the sites of many gardeners. Most summer residents grow such large-bodied varieties as:

  • Gigantella.
  • The Lord.
  • Maksim.

strawberry pineapple photos and reviews

Comments about the Mara de Bois

The main advantages of this repairstrawberries gardeners include frost resistance. Grow it can be, including in the Urals or in Siberia. Survival of the Mara de Bois variety in winter is 90-95%. Good reviews this strawberry also deserved for the excellent, very sweet taste of berries.

Why you should grow a variety of Albion

This strawberry is popular with gardenersincluding for the fact that her berries grow not only on peduncles, but also on the mustache. To grow this variety on its site, many summer residents are advised also because it fructifies from May to August. Only one bush per season can collect up to 2 kg of even berries with a very pleasant aroma.

Temptation (pineapple strawberry): photos and reviews

To the merits of this patchwork dacharelate primarily unpretentiousness and the ability to give large yields. Since the root system of strawberries Temptation is developed very well, and its flower stems are powerful and long, it is often used on sites and as an ornamental plant. As for the yield, the Temptation in this respect, according to many summer residents, even surpasses Albion. During the season, some gardeners harvest from the bush to 3 kg of very large berries. The taste of this sort of fruit is lusciously sweet, and that's why children especially like it.

strawberry pineapple

Advantages of Gigantella

Average maturity (about the second weekJune) is what this pineapple strawberry differs from. Description of it is often found in the specialized literature, because the variety is quite old. Its huge, slightly flat uneven berries have a bright red color and very dense flesh. Experienced summer residents are advised to plant on one square meter not more than 4 bushes of this strawberry. The fact is that it is distinguished by very spreading leaves. In this case, Gigantella is demanding of sunlight and loves copious watering.

Reviews of the grade Lord

Кусты этой ананасной клубники могут достигать в diameter 60 cm. Peduncles of the Lord variety are powerful, with a huge number of berries. From one bush for a season it is possible to collect up to 3 kg of fruits. Excellent reviews of gardeners Lord deserved, including for a pleasant sour-sweet taste of berries.

Pros of Strawberry Maxim

According to many summer residents, this variety is worthgrow at least for the fact that its fruits are better than any other suitable for freezing in the winter. Growing bushes of Strawberry Maxim just huge. The leaves are very large, and the stems can reach a thickness in the finger. From one bush dacha, judging by the reviews, often harvest up to 1.8 kg of berries. This sort of flower fell in love with many gardeners and for the unusual form of fruits resembling tomatoes. The taste of berries Maxim slightly sour.

strawberry pineapple description

Thus, we found out what thea plant such as a pineapple strawberry (description, variety). The photo of the berries of this plant, presented on the page, can not convey their taste and aroma, of course. However, even their appearance, and especially large varieties, can not but cause admiration. Of course, it is worthwhile to grow the best varieties of this plant on your site. Moreover, too much time to care for strawberries usually do not have to spend.

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