Motor alalia occurs due to the mostvarious reasons. The most common disease is due to violations of the fetal development period, severe labor, illness or injury in early childhood. Motor
Alalia can be a consequence of diseases such as encephalitis and meningitis.
The delay in the development of speech can be caused by a generala delay in the mental and mental development of the child, in which the intellect suffers. In this regard, the child is not able to correlate certain phenomena with their names, analyze and use words to explain the phenomena. Some children find it difficult to contact others, such children live in their inner world. This condition is called autism. In this case, children start talking late, because they do not seek contacts with other people. Motor alalia can combine several reasons at once. Sensory motor alalia can be diagnosed already in the first months after the birth of a child, however, more often it goes unnoticed. Unlike healthy children, such a child babbles little, and often babbling is monotonous.
As a rule, pronounced violationsare observed only in the second year of life, but in most cases, parents and others are prone to complacency. It is believed that often children begin to speak after two years, and
the boys begin to talk later to the girls. In some cases, motor
Alalia is so pronounced that a child babbles for up to 5 years.
The disease can be diagnosed in the event that,if the child lags far behind his peers not only in terms of pronunciation function. The disease can be expressed in the delay in the formation of motor skills, which is expressed in clumsiness, inability to wash hands, is a spoon, etc. A child who suffers motor alalia, who has already mastered everyday speech, has difficulties in repetition of speech. It may take a long time to preserve the non-verbalization of words, often only the stressed syllable is pronounced. In his speech, a child with motor alalia does not follow grammatical rules, does not use conjunctions and prepositions, so the construction of phrases looks unusual. A child with motor alalia, from a child with mental retardation, is distinguished by the inability to use familiar words. Speech crumbs with a lag in mental development may be poor, but he uses words that he understands and can, if necessary, repeat them.
A feature of the behavior of children suffering from Alalya,is motor anxiety, which is especially pronounced up to five years, but can continue up to school age. In other cases, children in contrast are inactive, inhibited and constrained in their movements, the development of speech suffers most. A feature of the behavior of children with alalia is rapid exhaustion, instability of attention, fatigue. In some cases, these symptoms are combined with frequent changes of mood, tearfulness, violation of appetite and sleep and wakefulness.
Motor Alalia Treatment
The prognosis for overcoming the disease is favorable,but only in the event that the purposeful classes are conducted with the child. The earlier the work begins on the development of speech, the better the results. The complication of alalia is often stammering, that is, a violation of fluency in speech. The successful treatment of a child suffering from motor alalia depends entirely on the conditions created
parents in the family.Speech therapists, neuropathologists and defectologists can provide serious help in treating the disease. In some cases, a child at the preschool age manages to progress so much in speech that he goes to a regular school, even in spite of difficulties in teaching. Other children are recommended to attend a speech school.