/ / Lime: useful properties and contraindications to the use of funds on its basis

Lipa: useful properties and contraindications to the use of funds on its basis

Lipa is a wonderful remedy for manyailments, sent by nature itself. Her yellow flowers with a pleasant strong aroma are a real well of health. However, not everyone knows how best to collect these gifts of nature and what to do with them. Lipa, useful properties and contraindications to the use of which, it would seem, have long been known, can still surprise us. This tree is very common in the middle latitudes. As you know, it can grow very long: usually three hundred - four hundred years. However, some representatives live to a thousand years or more. Great benefit of lindens, so in the prevention and treatment of many diseases almost all parts of this tree are used.

linden useful properties and contraindications

The Benefits of Lime Honey

American scientists came to the conclusion that the sweetdrugs bring more benefit than bitter. Our body absorbs them much better. This is very good news. Lipa, useful properties and contraindications to the use of which have been known for a long time, can rightly be considered a remedy. So, linden honey is well used for the prevention of disease, strengthening the immune system. But not only is honey useful to humans.

Tea with lime color

tea with linden

Lipa, useful properties and contraindications tothe use of which must be taken into account in folk medicine, is rightfully considered to be the queen of medicinal teas. This is an excellent prevention of flu and colds. Tea with lime, useful properties of which are not limited to treatment and prevention of colds, has a calming effect. Drinking for the night a mug of tea with lime blossom will give a strong calm sleep, will help, and with headaches, neuralgia, will ease the pronounced symptoms at menopause.

Use of linden leaves in folk medicine

At a time when the linden has already faded, you can collectand use also the leaves of this tree. They have similar properties: sudorific, blood-purifying, and so on. They can be considered substitutes for flowers. Components of linden (flowers, leaves) can enter not only in the puffy charges used for expectoration, but also in therapeutic teas recommended for gastritis, colitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis. One of the important properties of lime is that it is an excellent antihypoxic. Can be prescribed for any type of encephalopathy. It also helps with linden headaches, its useful properties for children are that it can be used to improve memory, reduce agitation.

linden useful properties for children

Lipa for weight loss

Few people know that a lime tree can be used forweight reduction. After all, it helps to remove excess fluid, toxins, normalize the metabolism. For this purpose, apply both infusions and decoctions of limes, as well as baths with lime color. It is believed that it is possible, using funds with a linden, to lose weight by about four to five kilograms per month.

Contraindications to the use of linden

Lipa, useful properties and contraindications tothe use of which must necessarily know, can cause discomfort to allergic people during the flowering period. According to statistics, every sixth person suffers from this disease. Also, it is forbidden to take lime flowers for people with some cardiac diseases, since it can give a big load to the heart.

However, all the disadvantages for many will undo the useful properties of this tree. Drink teas from limes and be healthy!

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