The issue of choosing methods of contraception after childbirthworries all young mothers, especially if they are breastfeeding. Although many believe that lactation in itself is a means of preventing pregnancy, this opinion is not always true. Therefore, most women still prefer to hedge and apply anything from contraceptives. Just choose - a condom, an intrauterine device or hormones? And in general it is allowed to take birth control pills during breastfeeding?
It is possible or not?
Taking hormonal drugs isalmost the most reliable method of preventing pregnancy. Therefore, after giving birth when choosing protective equipment, many women ask questions about the possibility of their further application. If those medicines that were allowed before pregnancy can not be consumed with lactation, then, perhaps, there are special birth control pills for nursing?
Taking drugs of this kind is permittedduring lactation, but only on condition that they do not have estrogens in their composition, in other words, belong to the group of progestogens. In the people they are called "mini-drank". In this case, there is no effect of hormones on the production of milk, nor on the health and health of the baby. It is necessary to start using birth control pills after birth in a few weeks, every day, and if it does, at the same time. Such preparations include: "Exluenton", "Lactinet", "Charsetta", "Microlut", etc.
Advantages of "mini-saws"
Although approved contraceptive pills withbreastfeeding have a lower percentage of the safety of protection from pregnancy (about 90-95%), they have a lot of advantages over the preparations of combined action. For example:
The action of "mini-drank"
The main action that the data possesses isdrugs, is the suppression of the ovulation process. They are aimed at destroying the dominant follicle in the ovaries, as a result of which the egg will not ripen and ovulation will not occur. Another undisputable advantage of using this method of protection is an increase in the quantity and change in the properties (more viscous) of the cervical mucus. This prevents the free movement of sperm.
How to use?
For a more accurate and reliable effect of this method, birth control pills for breastfeeding should be taken according to the following rules: