From the point of view of medicine - why do the nipples hurt before menstruation?
This process has the name - mastodeniya. It appears when menstruating to almost every girl. Such pains before menstruation are an extraordinary manifestation of PMS.
Many girls, faced with such a problem,are interested in the physiology of the question - why do the nipples hurt before menstruation? Every woman or girl before the month feels certain signs. The pain of the mammary glands is due to the fact that the breasts are enlarged, and their sensitivity is increased. Formation of hormones increases before menstruation. This process causes a lot of trouble for the female body. It is not uncommon that the entire body becomes sensitive before menstruation.
Such precursors of menstruation are veryare unpleasant, but, unfortunately, they can not be avoided. They are considered the norm, and women are forced to put up with the physiology of their body. In this period of time it is important to control your mood and emotions, since such phenomena before menstruation have a negative effect during the period of PMS on our nervous system.
With the help of drugs, you can remove the pain belowstomach, but they are not able to influence the physiological process of blood flow to the chest, which occurs during menstruation and pregnancy. Completely remove such painful sensations is almost impossible. But sometimes the breast does not cause unpleasant sensations until they do not touch it. Girls should understand why nipples hurt on the chest, but do not consider it a deviation or pathology, but only a natural process necessary for the subsequent motherhood.
Many women experience monthly pain in the chest, which last about 5 days.
So, why are the nipples on the chest hurt? The cause of the pain may be different and not of a cyclic or cyclical nature.
Cyclic nature of pain can be evidence ofabout a hormonal frustration. Such pains are usually in the period of postmenopause or during pregnancy. This is because at this time in the body there are no hormonal cyclic changes.
Non-cyclic pains, as a rule, occur because of anatomical changes in the chest.
There is also a theory explaining why it hurtsnipples, finds the cause of pain in imbalance of the mammary glands of fatty acids. Imbalance can increase the sensitivity of the breast to hormones. Primrose oil is able in such cases to relieve pain, because it contains an acid that can restore the imbalance and reduce the sensitivity to the hormones of the breast.
In this case, cyclic pain can causesome medications, a series of hormonal drugs or contraceptives. The side effect of taking progesterone and estrogens may well be an explanation of why the nipples hurt even in postmenopausal women. Pain in the chest can be the result of taking antidepressants.
If the pain is so severe that the question of whether,why nipples hurt, is one of the important issues that bother you, then it is worth turning to a gynecologist. He will be able to determine the reason why the nipples hurt, make the right diagnosis and prescribe treatment if necessary. After all, the reasons, after all, can be this and pregnancy, and dysfunction, and increased prolactin or a lack of progesterone. But, most likely, that the pains are caused by monthly or ovulation, since pains of this nature are rarely caused by cancer or other serious illness.
Not infrequently, after the birth of a baby, a young motherfaces pains in the nipple, which are caused by breastfeeding and, perceiving them as a necessity, heroically endures. Remember that you can not tolerate pain during feeding, because this process should cause positive emotions both in the child and in the mother, and the pain is most likely connected with the wrong attachment of the baby to the chest.