With thrush is destined to face very manywomen. Burning, itching and unpleasant discharge make life uncomfortable. Moreover, this disease comes not one, because it arises against the background of a decrease in immunity, when all the hidden infections become aggravated. Sometimes, by imprudence, women are infected with Trichomonas. After all, a condom does not protect against this infection. What to do if the tests show the presence of this pathogen? Use McMirror.
Instruction for use says that thethe composition of nifuratel is considered an antifungal antibiotic. It penetrates into the wall of fungi, binding to the sterols, as a result of which the wall is destroyed, and the causative agent perishes. "Makmiror" is a broad-spectrum preparation. It destroys both fungi, and protozoa, and some bacteria, so it is prescribed quite often.
This means - external action, that is hisapply locally. Most often it is prescribed in the form of a vaginal suppository. The course of treatment is eight days. Recommend to enter it inside before going to bed, this is the most comfortable option. But the dosing regimen and duration of the course can be regulated by different doctors in different ways, depending on the specialist's vision of the specific situation, lifestyle, and age of the patient. After menstruation, the doctor can prescribe the full course again or suggest the patient to use suppositories for a few more days. In order for the remedy to work, it should be inserted very deeply into the upper part of the vagina. Only then will Macmirror be effective.
Instructions for use prescribe thatsmall girls, if necessary, do not inject suppositories, using a vaginal cream, which is administered by a special applicator. Vaginal cream, like suppositories, contains, in addition to nifuratel, the antifungal substance nystatin. The cream is used, as a rule, 2 times a day. And the terms of application usually coincide in duration with those for suppositories (8 days). The cream is sold together with the applicator, and on the latter there are grades, that is, it is graded. In order to enter a sufficient amount of cream, you need to connect the applicator with a tube, squeeze the first necessary amount of cream (see the scale on the applicator), then detach it and insert it into the vagina. When he's there, you need to press the applicator properly. Using a special nozzle, you can enter the cream inside, avoiding damage to the hymen. That is, even virgins can be treated with the help of the medicine "Makmiror."
Instruction for use says that the sidethere is almost no action, because the drug has a local effect, not participating in metabolic processes at the level of the organism. Rarely are allergic reactions that manifest themselves in the form of itching and redness. In most women, the reaction to the drug is normal.
It must be remembered that in the presence of infection(trichomonads), it is necessary to treat not only the woman, but her partner, but, of course, by other means. Probably, the cure will take some time, during which the absence of sexual contacts is an obligatory condition for the eradication of pathogens, otherwise the treatment will be useless - after all, a partner may be re-infected.
Is it compatible with other means of McMiore? Instruction for use allows its joint application in other medicines, since no cases of drug incompatibility were found.
This remedy is very good in that it does not violatephysiological balance of the vagina. Other medications that treat trichomoniasis usually cause dysbacteriosis, and as a result, after manifestations of infection with Trichomonas, manifestations of candidiasis begin. So "McMiore" can be recommended to anyone who prefers comfortable treatment.