/ / Tamiflu instructions

tamiflu instructions

"Tamiflu" is a drug used fortreatment of viral diseases. When used within the first two days before the onset of early symptoms of influenza, the drug significantly reduces the severity of the clinical picture of the infection process, reduces its severity, reduces the frequency of repeated manifestations that require the use of antibacterial agents.

Taking this medication as a prophylaxisinfluenza can reduce the incidence rate, the allocation of a dangerous virus, prevents its transmission to contact persons. The half-life of the drug is six hours. It is excreted mainly in the urine.

The drug is Tamiflu. Instruction: composition and dosage form.

The drug has the following active substance: oseltamavir. It is available in the form of 75 mg capsules.

Capsules "Tamiflu". Instruction: indications, contraindications.

The medicine is appliedmainly for the treatment of influenza in adults, children older than one year. It is also used in the prevention of this disease, especially among people in high-risk groups (weakened patients, workers of production teams, servicemen of military units). "Tamiflu" for children under the age of one year is strictly prohibited because of the development of dangerous side effects, which often lead to undesirable serious complications.

The drug has contraindications:impaired renal function, increased sensitivity to active components, which is chronic. "Tamiflu" during pregnancy, in the lactation period is also forbidden to use. The use of the drug in this case can be considered diverse if its use significantly exceeds the risk of developing unwanted complications from the fetus.

Capsules "Tamiflu". Instruction: side effect.

The use of the drug for the treatment of influenza canaccompanied by the appearance of vomiting, nausea, which usually occur after the first doses. However, these phenomena are temporary, do not require the exclusion of the drug. Other undesirable effects include diarrhea, headaches, bronchitis, dizziness, which may be unsystematic and systemic, sleep disturbance, and weakness.

Side effects when used for therapychildren are similar to those in adults, but they take place in more severe forms. The most dangerous effects include nasal bleeding, conjunctivitis, and auditory functions. They also have transient character, stop suddenly, despite the continuation of therapy. Significantly less common nonspecific skin rash.

The drug is Tamiflu. Directions: Dosage and specific instructions.

The drug is intended forinternal reception. It should be consumed during meals, regardless of meals. With this regimen, there is an increase in the tolerability of the drug and the time it is absorbed. The recommended dosage is two capsules per day. The course of treatment is usually five days. Sometimes the necessary number of capsules for admission is determined by the attending physician (carry the patient's renal insufficiency). For patients of senile age who have liver lesions of various origins, a dose change is not required.

Reviews about the capsules of Tamiflu in the overwhelmingMost cases are positive. They are determined by high performance indicators, low incidence of adverse reactions and a relatively small price. Today, there are several analogues of the drug, which have a greater therapeutic coefficient.

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