/ / Analogue of "Kurantila" - preparation "Dipiridamol"

The analogue of "Kurantila" - the drug "Dipiridamol"

The drug "Curantil" is used in medicinelong enough. He managed to prove himself as one of the best medicines intended for the normalization of blood circulation. In recent years, the medication has also been used in gynecology. During pregnancy, an additional circulatory circle appears in the woman's body, which connects the mother to the fetus. Unfortunately, the inadequacy of the fetoplacental functional system is quite common, so many women in the position are prescribed this drug. In his absence, pregnant women can purchase any analogue of "Curantil", for example, medicines "Dipiridamol" or "Persantin". They all have the same active substance and the same indications for use.

kurantil analogs and prices

How does the drug "Kurantil" work in the body?

This medication belongs to the group of myotropicvasodilator drugs. The vasodilating effect of the drug is directed to the arterioles that are located in the brain, so this drug is often used to improve the cerebral circulation. Nevertheless, the drug expands and other vessels, including placental. The drug acts on the immune system by activating interferons and has a vasodilating effect. Thanks to this medication, the body is easier to resist viral infections. The same effects have an analogue of "Kurantila" - the drug "Dipiridamol".

Indications for use of the medicinal product

Since the drug has a vasodilatoraction, it is prescribed for ischemic lesions of organs. First of all, it is shown to patients who suffered a stroke or a heart attack. The drug can be used to prevent inadequate cerebral or coronary circulation. It is prescribed to patients who are predisposed to thromboses of any location, for example, with varicose veins.

 analog of quarante during pregnancy

Prevention of fetoplacental insufficiency is another indication for the use of the drug.

The drug must be taken to patients whohave undergone surgery for prosthetic heart valve. In this case, its use is necessary to avoid thromboembolism of the vessels. The drug is used in small doses (25 mg each) for the prevention of viral infections. The analogue of "Curantil", the drug "Dipiridamol", is shown for the same diseases as the main drug. If there is no first in the pharmacy, you can safely replace it with a second one.

Medication "Curantil": analogues and prices

Лекарственные средства «Курантил», «Дипиридамол», "Persanthin" have the same active substance, so there are no structural differences between the preparations. The difference lies in the form of output, price, prevalence. Another difference is the manufacturer. Medication "Curantil" is available in the form of tablets with a dosage of 25 and 75 mg of the active substance.

quarante analogues

The price of the drug ranges from 350 to550 rubles per packing (100 tablets). The analogue of "Curantila" (the drug "Dipiridamol") is available in the form of a suspension intended for ingestion, or tablets. One bottle contains 150 ml of the drug. The daily dose of the drug is 300 mg, which is approximately 6 teaspoons. The medication should be taken 3 times a day for an hour before meals. The cost of the medicine is about 65 rubles.

Another analogue of the drug "Kurantil" issolution for injection «Persantin». This medication is administered intravenously, so it quickly enters the bloodstream. The price of the medicine is about 210 rubles. According to the prescription of the doctor, you can buy both the drug itself and any analogue of "Curantil". In pregnancy, it is necessary to discuss with the doctor the daily dose of the medication to which the prescription medication was substituted.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

It should be remembered that the drug "Kurantil"is a potent drug, therefore, in some severe conditions of the body, its use is prohibited. Contraindications to the use of the drug include:

  1. Hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or excipients.
  2. Unstable angina or myocardial infarction.
  3. Heart failure in the stage of decompensation.
  4. Low or high blood pressure (up to critical values).
  5. An exacerbation of a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer.
  6. Children's age (up to 12 years).
  7. Stenosis of the aorta.
  8. Chronic renal and hepatic insufficiency.

analogous to quarantine

Reviews about medicines

Medication "Curantil" is appointed enoughoften. This is due to its high efficiency and quality. Most patients respond positively about this drug. Since side effects from this vasodilator are rarely observed, many patients prefer the "Kurantil" medication. Analogues of the drug are also popular in patients with circulatory failure.

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