/ / How to treat diarrhea in a kitten (2 months)? Causes, home treatment, drugs, diet

How to treat diarrhea in a kitten (2 months)? Causes, treatment at home, drugs, diet

Brought into the house of any animal isfull member of the family. For example, a kitten. He requires the same careful care as a little child. And just as you want, that the kid was always healthy, wish well-being and the beloved pet.

No one is immune to diarrhea.And diarrhea in a kitten (2 months) can also happen. And then what to do? It is better to immediately contact the veterinarian. But if there is no such possibility, you can try to provide first aid yourself.

diarrhea in a kitten 2 months


The reasons for this disease in a small pet have several:

  • One of them are worms.They can get infected from mother's milk or her own wool, and also, walking on the street, from their four-legged relatives. The most unpleasant thing in this situation is when the kitten goes to the toilet not only in the tray, but also somewhere else.
  • Нужно знать, чем кормить котенка (2 месяца), и how to do it right. After all, if you change your diet drastically, or when it often overeats, the process of digestion of food can be disrupted, and because of this, diarrhea will arise. Changing the usual food for a small pet, you should do it gradually, introducing a little new products. Also, you need to make sure that he ate small portions so that there is no overeating.
  • A kitten may have vomiting and diarrhea.subsequently of some infectious disease, for example, chlamydia, panleukopenia, viral peritonitis and many others. A small animal can become infected with such a disease at any time, even though he was given all the necessary vaccinations.
  • The little pet has pain, diarrhea,Vomiting can occur if it is swallowed by a poisonous or health hazardous substance. In this case, without urgently contacting the veterinarian, you can lose the kitten.
  • Diarrhea along with vomiting may occur as a result of inflammatory diseases of the stomach and intestines - gastritis, colitis.

what to feed a kitten 2 months

  • Often, diarrhea in a kitten (2 months) arises due to very early withdrawal from the mother, because of this, problems with immunity and digestion may follow.

Other accompanying symptoms

When a small pet arisesthe disease, it becomes weak, depressed, eats little or does not have an appetite, the stomach may swell. If diarrhea lasts a long time, the kitten begins to lose weight, which is fraught with dehydration of his body. If this happens quickly, and the condition worsens all the time, you need to show the vet, not delaying the visit for a long time.

Color stool

With diarrhea, the severity of the pet's disease can be determined by the color of feces:

  • If he is black or even with blood, then this is a signal ofthat there is such a disease as panleukopenia, or enteritis. Also a high probability of internal bleeding. This is an extremely serious disease, without the help of a veterinarian, the animal will surely die.
  • Yellow diarrhea occurs due to dysbiosis when there are helminthic invasions or inflammation of the stomach.

diarrhea in a kitten home treatment

  • What does it mean if a kitten has diarrhea green?2 months is still a very young age, but even during this period, the baby may have diarrhea. Green diarrhea and temperature are signs of the development of putrefactive microflora. The pet urgently needs to be taken to the clinic so that the necessary antibiotic is prescribed there.


Если такое случилось, и котенок заболел, что to do in this situation? First of all, you should watch the dynamics of the disease. When the animal becomes worse, diarrhea increases, and other, equally unpleasant symptoms appear, you should definitely show it to the vet.

When a case of diarrhea occurred only once, and the pet feels satisfactory, you can try to cure it yourself.


First you need to think about what to feed a kitten (2 months) is possible, and what it is not, especially during this disease.

For 12 hours he needs to give nothing from food.

diarrhea in a kitten than to treat

You can only a little water. It should be given often to avoid dehydration. This method of treatment is called a starvation diet.

After this time you can give a little bitboiled rice or three-day kefir. The next day, you can also give a little boiled chicken meat. And so gradually it is necessary to introduce new products until the pet returns to its usual diet.

Consult a doctor!

When the kitten has diarrhea, home treatmentconditions occurs by any method described above. But then it is still desirable to show it to the vet. It is possible that he will additionally prescribe a therapy for worms to the little patient, or drugs to make his microflora more quickly normalized.

kitten has diarrhea green for 2 months

Since diarrhea is closely associated with the loss of a huge amount of minerals and fluids, the disease of a small pet should not be allowed to take its course.

If diarrhea is noticed in a kitten, treatment at home is possible only when he has only this symptom, and basically the animal is as healthy and active as before.


How to cure a kitten from diarrhea yourself? There are a few rules here. Let's consider them:

  1. It is necessary to exclude animal from the dietfood, especially if it was introduced into the diet not so long ago. The main cause of the disease are both fermented milk and dairy products, store food, which may not be designed for such small animals. It is also food from the table, which is so fond of feeding their pets.
  2. When you enter a new product in the kitten dietat first it is better to give it a little try and look at the reaction of its body. If everything is normal, then we can continue to feed them further. By doing so, first of all you will protect your pet from overfeeding with a new product, and secondly, it is much easier to find out which food is allergic.
  3. Having a kitten in the house, you do not need to leave food in those places where he can get it.
  4. When diarrhea, it is desirable to reduce the amount of food inkitten's daily diet, although most often the animal itself refuses to eat. You just need to leave enough water in an accessible place so that it can restore the strength of the sick animal.
  5. You also need to do general cleaning, pay special attention to those secluded places where the little pet likes to play. Periodically disinfect the bowl from which he eats.
  6. During cleaning, you need to pay attention, are not harmful whether chemicals that are constantly used for animals.
  7. When a kitten has diarrhea, it’s very necessarycare. Play with him - only at his request, but in any case not toss or scare. By the way, such small households may have diarrhea due to some psychological experiences (stress, fright, etc.).

In that case, when all of the above is done, andSince diarrhea not only continues, but there is an unusual color, smell, foam, mucus, then immediately you need to take the kitten to the vet to find out the exact diagnosis and correct treatment. If you delay with this visit, it can affect not only the health of the pet, but also lead to death.

Medical preparations

If the kitten has diarrhea, what else can you treat? Many people prefer drugs from the pharmacy.

If the kitten has diarrhea (2 months), then you can givedrug "Atoxil". What is the dosage? 100 milliliters of water must be diluted bag of this drug. Give one teaspoon every couple of hours.

The drug "Regidron" during diarrhea can help from dehydration. Prepare the solution according to the instructions. Give a small patient the same way as Atoxil.

A frequent question arises when a kitten has diarrhea:how to treat it? It is also recommended in such cases to use drugs such as "Enterosgel" or "Smekta". Good effect gives "Bifidumbakterin." It is most convenient to put medicine in the mouth using a syringe without a needle. These drugs will help rid the body of toxins by triggering their rapid elimination.

Folk methods

If a kitten was fed on a starvation diet, then when leaving it, it is necessary to give a little oatmeal or rice broth. You can also try to brew flaxseeds, pomegranate peel or oak bark.

Other medicines

But how to stop diarrhea in a kitten by otherspharmacy drugs? Many of them are intended for people, and when they treat an animal, they should always consult a specialist. To diarrhea stopped, you can use tablets of activated charcoal.

how to stop diarrhea in a kitten

If diarrhea is caused by an infection, then you should never use antimicrobials or antibiotics. These medicines are prescribed by a doctor.

Whatever independent treatment methodSelected, you should always consult with a veterinarian, at least by phone. Since improper treatment will lead to the fact that diarrhea will become chronic, there will be frequent signs of indigestion, various inflammatory processes may occur, and much more, which is not particularly pleasant for a small pet.

Diarrhea in a kitten (2 months). Rules for the treatment of purebred pet

Most people prefer to buy expensive pedigree kittens. Everyone knows that purebred animals or hybrids are much healthier and more likely adapt to the changes around them.

But with purebreds it is much more difficult, and when diarrhea appears in such a kitten, it requires special attention. To cure him, you need to adhere to these rules:

  • First of all, to provide him with complete peace, to try to isolate him from all others - this applies not only animals, but also people.
  • After the first signs of diarrhea a pedigree kitten must be put on a starvation diet for approximately 10 hours, while not drinking to limit it, but give only water.
  • When these hours pass, then you can try to feed him a little more and keep him still for about 12 hours on such a half-starved diet. This food should be light and not heavily loaded stomach.


The food that should be fed to a small pet during illness and some time after it is:

  • boiled natural meat, but only low-fat, chilled in minced meat;
  • a bit of porridge, oatmeal or rice, but viscous, cooked with meat or in meat broth;
  • cool boiled yolk of chicken egg.

kitten has vomiting and diarrhea

In the first days after an illness it is undesirable to introduce dairy and sour-milk products, fish, and also artificial feeds into the diet of a pedigree kitten.

When such a kitten returns to its usual diet, then, acquiring food for it, you need to make sure that it is always marked "for animals with sensitive digestion."

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