The magical power of nature allows peopleto be cured of a huge number of ailments. Extracts of herbs, leaves, rhizomes, broths and squeezes, ointments and other products carry the healing properties given to us by a wise nature. Each representative of a diverse flora, has useful properties that a person can use. Today we propose to talk about sea buckthorn and such a means as sea-buckthorn candles. Instruction to the drug will be useful for ordinary citizens who do not possess medical knowledge. It is not necessary to use the publication for the purpose of recommending self-medication, since any medicine benefits only on condition of its competent application. Healing properties of sea-buckthorn are known for a long time in folk medicine, oil has high value from the point of view of physicians.
What are sea-buckthorn candles?
Our instruction should contain a detailed description of not only the properties, but also the types of the facility. So, let's get started.
There are rectal and vaginal sea-buckthorncandles. They are fatty, dense, easily melt under the influence of heat from the human body, have a characteristic orange color. Suppositories have a light aroma. As a rule, when used in patients, there are difficulties with hygiene. Problems can be solved with the help of specialized underwear and bedding materials.
The composition of the candles includes the main component - sea buckthorn oil, as well as auxiliary substances to create a waxy mass.
Suppositories are dispensed in pharmacies without requirementsto presenting the recipe. Each candle has a torpedo shape, individually packed in an opaque blister. As a rule, manufacturers pack candles from three to twenty pieces in one cardboard package. Today, almost in any pharmacy you can buy sea-buckthorn candles.
Application and recommendations
Patients should be aware that the indications forthe use of suppositories must be determined by the physician. It is unacceptable to use candles without the recommendation of a doctor, as this can lead to prolongation and aggravation of the disease. Treatment is carried out with rectal suppositories when:
Vaginal sea-buckthorn candles are used for:
Recommendations for use are due to the property of sea buckthorn oil to stimulate regenerative processes, relieve pain, and also reduce the inflammatory effect.
Sea-buckthorn candles, the instructions for use of which are described in this article, should not be used for individual intolerance. There are no other limitations in the use of suppositories.
Mode of application
Sea-buckthorn candles instruction recommendsuse at night. Rectal suppositories are put after a bowel movement, vaginal - after urination. The action of the remedy should not cause unpleasant sensations, burning, itching, swelling, redness and other.
Side effects of the candles for the time of application are not identified, an overdose is also not established.
Storage method
Due to the low melting point,the suppositories are stored in the refrigerator. Candles can not be removed from the production packaging. Extraction from the contour shell is carried out immediately before the introduction of the candle.
Do not use a product exposed to high or low temperatures.
In conclusion, we note that, during their use in medical practice, candles with sea-buckthorn oil have proved themselves very well. Patients noted the high effectiveness of the drug.