A person's back is able to withstand enoughHowever, in the presence of such traumatic factors as falling from a height, a strong blow, lifting weights or reducing the density of bone tissue, serious mechanical damage can occur, which often results in a compression fracture of the spine. In some cases, such a pathological condition can provoke tumor metastases. In adults and children, such trauma is characterized by flattening or squeezing the vertebra, and also by a decrease in its height. There are several varieties of vertebral disorders: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, coccygeal and sacral. A half of elderly people who suffer from osteoporosis are diagnosed with a compression fracture of the spine of the lumbar region, which causes a decrease in growth, which leads to the formation of a hump.
В большинстве случаев при компрессионном переломе there is severe pain in the affected area, which can give in the limbs. If nervous structures are involved in the pathological process, a person can feel the numbness of a certain area and strong weakness. It is inadmissible to engage in self-treatment during compression fracture, otherwise irreversible changes in the vertebrae, which entail severe deformation, spinal cord injuries, destruction of the intervertebral disc and compression of the nerve roots, are possible. As a result, posttraumatic radiculitis, osteochondrosis and even paralysis may occur.
In case of compression fracture,brigade of the ambulance. If there is a need to move the victim, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of transportation in order to prevent the possible displacement of the fragments and not to hurt even more. First of all, you need to ensure that the patient does not move, much less try to sit or stand up. Transport or carry it can only be on a firm and level surface, making sure that all vertebral departments are located in the same plane. To do this, it is recommended that the neck and head rotate simultaneously with the trunk. If you are not sure of your actions, it is better to leave the victim in the starting position before the arrival of specialists.
If you suspect a problem with the spineit is necessary to determine the main cause of these or other symptoms. For this, an x-ray or MRI is performed. To examine the state of the spinal cord in a certain area, myelography is performed, and neurological examination is performed to check the functions of the nerve roots. Treatment of the disease is a strict restriction of motor activity. The patient should not lift the weight and even the least load the back. Elderly people are recommended prolonged bed rest, because they have bone tissue healing much slower. Compression fracture of the lumbar spine requires the use of special orthopedic corsets for rigid fixation of the spinal column. With complications of a neurological nature, surgical treatment is indicated, which involves the removal of fragments that compress the spinal cord and nerve endings.