/ / The drug "Kantaren": instructions for use

The preparation "Kantaren": instructions for use

The Kantaren remedy is an effectivea homeopathic preparation, the natural components of which have a saluretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect on the animal's organism.

The form of the release of the preparation "Kantaren" is the instruction forthe application describes in this way: it is a powder packed in glass, hermetically sealed bottles, which is used to prepare a solution for injection. Also, the medicine is available in the form of tablets, packaged in jars of polymer materials.

Pharmacological effects of the drug"Kantaren" instructions for use give the following description. This drug substance, due to its unique composition, is able to eliminate all manifestations of urolithiasis, it prevents the development of inflammatory processes in the kidneys and urinary tract of the animal, creates unfavorable conditions for pathogenic microflora, promotes the purification of the body from stones, improves urine dynamics. The agent is able to exert a stimulating effect on the blood supply of all organs in which the processes of metabolism and regeneration are most intensive, restores the protective functions of the organism.

The preparation "Kantaren" in the specifics and degree of itsinfluence on the animal's body is a low-risk drug. It does not have a locally irritating or sensitizing effect, and the components from which it is composed have no properties to accumulate in the animal's body.

Indications for the appointment of the drug "Kantaren" instructions for use gives the following.

The drug in the form of injections, as well as in tableted form, is prescribed in case of disease of the animal with urethritis, nephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis, nephrosis, glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis.

Side effects of the drug "Kantaren" with strict adherence to the instructions does not cause cases of overdose is not recorded.

Contraindications to prescription of the drug"Kantaren" instruction for use describes the following. Only an individual hypersensitivity to the drug as a whole or to any of its components is a contraindication for its administration.

Dosages and methods of administration of the preparation "Kantaren"

In the treatment of cattle, the agent"Kantaren" instruction for its use recommends injecting subcutaneously or intramuscularly in a volume of five to ten milliliters. To treat horses, the route of administration is the same, but the dose is from ten to fifteen milliliters. For small cattle, the dose ranges from 2.1 to 2.51 milliliters, for pigs from 2.51 to 5.1 milliliters, for pigs, calves and foals from 2.1 to 2.51 milliliters, for kittens and puppies from 0.51 to 2.1 milliliters, for dogs medium and large breeds - from 2.1 to 4.01 ml., for rodents - from 0.21 to 0.31 ml., for fritters and ferrets - 0.51 ml. The period of taking the drug is from one to one and a half weeks. In the case of an acute disease, the Kantaren solution is used one to three times per day. Sometimes there is a need to re-conduct the course of therapy, this is permitted by the instruction for using the drug Kantaren.

The tablet preparation is given to animals in such adosage: large dogs - three tablets, medium dogs - two, kittens and puppies - one tablet, rodents - quarter to half, fritters and ferrets - from half to whole. The drug is placed on the animal's root on the root of the tongue and is closed to the mouth, in which case the animal can no longer get rid of the pill and will have to swallow it.

About the drug "Kantaren" reviews on the network are mostly positive. Pets begin to feel better and, in the end, recover for the joy of their masters.

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