/ / Vibrocil: instruction, references, recommendations

Vibrocil: instructions, reviews, recommendations

Everyone knows what the "cold" is.Teary eyes, a stuffy nose, and shortness of breath make trouble for a lot of people. Few people know that the common cold is not a disease, but a symptom that can accompany many diseases, each of which requires a separate treatment. However, there is a drug that can not only remove unpleasant symptoms, but also cure some of the diseases that cause them.

Называется лекарство «Виброцил».The instruction explains that it has several dosage forms: nasal drops, gel and spray. At the heart of all these forms are two active substances: phenylephrine and dimethindene maleate. Phenylephrine does not allow the onset of edema, it narrows the vessels well. This sympathomimetic stimulates the vessels of the nasal mucosa, thereby facilitating breathing. Dimetinden has pronounced anti-allergic properties.

To whom is the medicine "Vibrocil" intended?The instruction explains that it is prescribed in one form or another to people suffering from seasonal, allergic or chronic rhinitis. It helps with acute or vasomotor rhinitis, acute or chronic sinusitis, otitis media.

"Vibrocil" (drops), the instruction explains this,usually prescribed for adults and children under 6 years. Children under one year are recommended 1 drop, from one to six years - 2 drops in each nasal passage, over 6 years - 3 or 4 drops. The same dosage is suitable for adults. Drops "Vibrocil", the instruction continues to describe them, sometimes dries out the nasal mucosa. In this case, it is better to replace them with gel.

"Vibrocil" - gel instruction is recommended to those wholong enjoyed drops or simply has too dry nasal mucosa. It must be administered several times a day. This is done so. The patient throws back his head and places the medicine as deep as possible in the nose. This method allows you to facilitate breathing all night. However, children under six years of this procedure is not recommended.

Sprays are not recommended for young children or elderly patients, despite the fact that it is more evenly distributed over the mucous membrane, does not overdry it.

In addition to such warnings in the use of medicinal forms of the drug "Vibrocil", the instruction offers a small list of contraindications to patients.

  • Atrophic rhinitis, ozona (inflammation with fetid discharge from the nose)
  • Pregnancy, lactation
  • Individual intolerance
  • Simultaneous treatment with Vibrocil and MAO inhibitors.

You can use the medicine for not more than a week,only 3-4 times a day. If this dose is met, there will be no side effects from treatment. However, it is quite accurately established that excess of a dose or excessively long course of treatment leads to the so-called "medical rebound", when instead of treating rhinitis, "Vibrocil" provokes its appearance.

Is an overdose of the drug "Vibrocil" possible?The instruction explains that if the dosage prescribed by the doctor is observed, there can not be an overdose. However, exceeding the dose (or inadvertent ingestion) may cause dizziness, lowering of pressure, overexcitation or drowsiness. To remove these symptoms, it is enough for a patient to give an activated carbon drink with a very large amount of water, a laxative. A special antidote is not required.

The effectiveness of Vibrocil was noted not onlyspecialists, but also the patients to whom he was appointed, parents of young children. They note the relative softness of the drug. Drops, gel or spray almost never cause itching or burning, but quickly facilitate breathing.

Another important characteristic of the drug is its availability. In no region, the cost of packaging, whether it be a spray, a drop or a gel, does not exceed three hundred rubles.

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