For today it is the most reliable and widespreadmethod of contraception. Hormonal contraceptives appeared only about fifty years ago, well, a rather large path of evolution has already passed, and nowadays, not only do not threaten the health of the body, but also help to cope with many women's problems. The first contraceptive pills appeared in the 60s of the last century. It was a strong hormonal drug, which was intended to get rid of unwanted effects during menstruation.
Of course, any medical product requireslong-term trials and during this time, side effects with the use of contraceptive pills have been identified and eliminated. However, most of the myths about their application have survived to this day. But you need to know that modern contraceptive pills contain the minimum amount of hormones and provide 100% protection from an unwanted pregnancy with little or no risk to health. In them, in various combinations and dosages, hormones estrogen and progestogen are present. Combined tablets have a triple effect: they prevent ovulation, make it difficult to get into the uterus of spermatozoa through modulation of secretion and do not allow the fertilized egg to attach to the walls of the uterus.
There are monophasic birth control pills,which have the same composition, not depending on the day of the cycle. But three-phase tablets have a different content of hormones, taking into account the different days of the cycle. This approach makes it possible to apply the least amount of hormones. Such tablets in the package for convenience of use are painted in three different colors. If you forget about taking a pill some day, you should take it immediately, as soon as you remember. If you remember about this after the sexual act, do not worry, you can take birth control pills after the act, just take the missed pill. But be careful, if you missed more than one day, then the pill can no longer guarantee protection from an unwanted pregnancy. It will be necessary to apply additional protective equipment.
If you are taking any other medicaldrugs, especially antibiotics, then be sure to consult a doctor, as the effectiveness of your contraceptives may decrease. And one more important warning: Doctors do not recommend taking birth control pills for women who are smokers over the age of 35, as the risk of blood clots increases dramatically. There is another type of pill that does not contain estrogen, it is called mini-pili. These pills do not prevent ovulation and are therefore less effective. They have one more drawback: menstrual flow increases and there is the possibility of a cycle violation. The action of these drugs is based on the use of only one hormone - progestogen.
Tablets of a new generation are already developed, inwhich are drospirenone. This substance is able to protect against the accumulation of fluid in soft tissues, eliminate many cosmetic skin problems and prevent the occurrence of premenstrual syndrome. And now scientists have already approached the development of contraceptives of a new generation. These will be non-hormonal birth control pills. The action of this new drug is based on the ability to prevent the connection of the sperm with the egg. Scientists have identified a substance (Catsper), regulating the reaction of sperm to the "calls" of the egg and this is the substance that can be affected by new tablets. Many women are worried about the question: will birth control pills for men? Studies on this topic have been going on for many years, but there is no success in this direction yet. In order to reduce the activity of spermatozoa, it is necessary to reduce the level of testosterone in the blood, and this immediately affects the decrease in male libido.