/ / What to do with concussion? First aid.

What to do with a concussion? First aid.

В большинстве случаев сотрясение мозга довольно passes quickly and the next day a person feels much better. But what to do with a concussion, if it just happened and you were near? It is in the first minutes after the injury that a person needs immediate help, as the condition is often complicated by nausea, loss of consciousness and vomiting. Also, if you suspect concussion, you should contact a specialist and take a picture of the skull as soon as possible, because sometimes the consequence can be detrimental to the skull and brain.

Concussion is very easily determined.If a person has lost consciousness and does not remember exactly the moment of impact and the subsequent minutes, sometimes hours and in especially severe cases, days, then he has a concussion. Further, depending on the severity of the condition, the following symptoms develop: problems with the vestibular apparatus, circulatory problems, dizziness, severe headaches, even when moving eyes, pain, vomiting and nausea are observed. However, with a slight concussion, such symptoms may not be the result, and only a lump on the head will result. What to do with a concussion if there is no one nearby and you suspect that you have a concussion for any reason? Immediately take the phone and call an ambulance! In no case should not go to bed and wait until it becomes easier. Sometimes for a serious, at first glance damage, there is a dangerous internal injury, therefore, even if the state of health is quite tolerable, the consultation of an experienced specialist will not hurt.

What to do if a person hit his headyour eyes and you must immediately provide first aid? The main thing is to be calm and call an ambulance to begin with, and while she arrives, begin to provide the necessary assistance yourself. Be sure to calm the victim and carefully monitor his condition. At the first sign of nausea should turn it on its side. If a person is unconscious, then it is best to do it immediately, as it is possible to sink the tongue and block the airway. What to do with concussion, and what should not be done? In no case do not let the victim eat and drink, even simple water is very dangerous. In this state, it can get into the bronchi and lungs and cause choking. Do not give the patient medication, the only thing that can alleviate his condition before the ambulance arrives is a cold compress on the head.

What to do with concussion later?The doctor will definitely set the bed rest for at least two days, and in more serious cases it can prolong it. Full rest is recommended, without loud sounds, noise, watching TV, listening to music, you can not read books and get up as little as possible. Soothing, painkillers and hypnotics are prescribed. The whole range of drugs is aimed at maintaining a comfortable and calm state of the patient, quickly normalizing all the functions of the brain. What to do with concussion in the absence of aggravating injuries and any other consequences? Of course, with strict observance of the regime in the first days, the patient, feeling good, can continue to live a full life, work and benefit society. It is worth noting that this applies only to light cases. In more serious situations, there may be some consequences in the form of increased sensitivity to bright light and loud sounds, fatigue, insomnia, short-term headaches, dizziness, anxiety, irritability, depression. It is difficult to concentrate attention and memory. Depending on the severity of the concussion, such symptoms disappear in a period of one to three months, and sometimes last up to a year. If the required regimen is not observed, complications may arise and the treatment will be delayed, therefore always strictly follow the recommendations of the doctor.

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