/ / The drug "Prostatilen" (candles): description, instruction, reviews

The drug "Prostatilen" (candles): description, instruction, reviews

Prostatilen (candles) is aa combined drug that is often used to treat prostate adenoma and other similar diseases. The agent is released in the form of suppositories for rectal use.

Prostatilen (candles): composition. This drug contains proteincompounds isolated from the prostate gland of cattle. Since the protein components undergo thorough purification and fractionation, there is practically no negative effect on the body.

Prostatilen (suppositories): pharmacological properties. Active active ingredients of the drugprotein nature directly affect the prostate gland, significantly reduce edema and relieve discomfort. In addition, the drug improves microcirculation of blood and lymph of the prostate and surrounding areas. Using these rectal suppositories, it is possible to achieve a significant increase in immunity and activate some of the protective mechanisms of human oragnism.

This drug normalizes the secretion of epithelial cells and reduces the risk of blood clots in the venous vessels of the prostate.

Кстати, средство "Простатилен" положительно affects the process of formation and development of spermatozoa, and also significantly increases their functional activity. It also increases the tone of the muscles of the bladder.

Prostatilen (candles): indications for use. Данное лекарство применяется для лечения как acute, and chronic prostatitis. In addition, it is often used for preventive purposes. Prescribe these suppositories in the event of complications after surgery on the prostate gland.

Но на самом деле спектр воздействия препарата much wider. In medicine, it is used for various disorders of urination, including enuresis. It is effective in thrombophlebitis and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Helps in the fight against hemorrhoids. On the other hand, the drug "Prostatilen" is included in the program of treatment of male infertility.

Prostatilen (candles): instructions for use. The suppository must be introduced in a straight lineintestine through the anus. This procedure is recommended before bedtime. In any case, after the introduction of the candle, you must take a horizontal position for at least 40 minutes - this will ensure the dissolution and absorption of the drug.

As for the dosage, in most cases, prescribe the use of one suppository per day for 5-10 days. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but not earlier than a month.

Despite the fact that the drug "Prostatilen"(candles) is sold in pharmacies without a prescription, it is not recommended to use it alone without medical prescription. It is best to consult a specialist first. He will make a schedule and duration of treatment.

Prostatilen (candles): contraindications and side effects. This drug has few contraindications.It can not be used only if a person is allergic to the active components of the medicine or for some reason there is an increased sensitivity.

As for adverse reactions, the development of an allergic reaction is observed in quite a variety of forms.

If during the use of this medicinethere were some complications or allergies, the state of health worsened, it is necessary to stop using it and visit a doctor - he will give further recommendations or replace the drug with an effective analogue.

Prostatilen (candles): reviews. In most cases, the responses of men,using this medication, are positive. Adverse reactions and allergies are recorded quite rarely. There were no negative effects on the human body. Consumers consider this drug to be very effective.

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