/ / Mineral water "Borjomi" - useful properties and contraindications

Mineral water "Borjomi" - useful properties and contraindications

"Borjomi" - natural natural drinking watermineralization. It is used for the prevention and treatment of a variety of diseases that affect the digestive system, metabolism. Still, its regular use has some contraindications.

Borjomi useful properties
And all this is necessary to know the person who decided to include such water in their diet.

What is the strength of Borjomi water?

This water became known due to medicinalfeatures. For all those who use Borjomi water, the useful properties of it become obvious. They are manifested not only in the form of body cleansing, accelerated process of slag withdrawal. Water "Borjomi" is used in complex therapy for the treatment of numerous diseases, and it is recommended to use it simply to quench thirst. Physicians use this drink as a basis for inhalation in respiratory diseases.

The healing properties of Borjomi are manifested ininfluence on the functioning of the digestive processes, in the control of the level of acidity. Fluidizing the fluid during the period of eating improves the digestion process.

medicinal properties of Borjomi

A worthy place in medicine

The method of healing is also popularcolds using this water. Only 100 gr. mineral water "Borjomi" should be mixed with a similar volume of boiling milk. This medicine is not only able to eliminate pain in the throat, but also to help with coughing. It is recommended to add a spoonful of honey. Periodic use of water can eliminate the manifestation of respiratory, as well as viral infectious diseases. This action is explained by the fact that this elixir controls the acidity of all areas of the body and prevents the formation of pathogenic microflora.

Life-giving moisture

Water "Borjomi" is good for a hangover.It keeps the fluid in the body, thereby eliminating intoxication. A person is able to feel much easier if water is consumed instead of alcoholic products. Another important aspect - a certain amount of this water contributes to a surge of energy and strength.

The use of this life-giving moisture for the treatment of the gastrointestinal tract will undoubtedly lead to good results.

Borjomi water: application

useful Borjomi

Many treatments involve the use ofmineral water of 150 milliliters (3 times a day). It is recommended to drink mineral water 30-40 minutes before eating. Typically, this therapy is prescribed for a period of 21 days. In addition, a patient who uses this water, it is recommended to make a correction of their diet, you need to eat only dietary foods and foods. Doctors advise to reconsider their attitude to food. It is advisable to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Useful "Borjomi" already on the 4th day of use normalizes the acid-base balance. Patients report that they noted a decrease in heartburn, and a week later the disappearance of these symptoms, and the feeling of bloating also goes away. If one water can not cope with the disease, specialists prescribe drugs that reduce the acidity. The most important advantage of this mineral water is the positive effect on increased acidity.

Water efficiency indicators "Borjomi" (useful properties) indicate the uniqueness of the composition of this product.

Side effects from treatment with this water are notregistered. In the course of the therapeutic course, when patients were prescribed Borjomi and diet therapy, it was found that most of them reduce or eliminate complaints, the acidity index decreases markedly, and the overall body condition improves significantly.

Recommendations for use

Borzhomi application

Mineral water "Borjomi" (useful propertieswhich is confirmed by all physicians) helps with cold disease. This product allows you to create an alkaline environment in the body in which the pathogenic microflora is killed. Thus, taking a regular mineral water (in a warm form) initiates a speedy recovery.

The result will be maximum expressed ifto use on 100 gr. liquid for 30 minutes before a meal. Take care in advance that the water is of the necessary temperature. Do not keep it in the refrigerator, so you do not have to warm it. If a person has a high body temperature, he is feverish, then the liquid is recommended to be heated to 40 degrees. Do this on a slow fire so that the water does not boil. Otherwise, it will lose all the valuable substances that our body needs so much during illness. The best option would be heating the mineral water in a water bath.

Often when coughing or laryngitis, doctors recommenda cocktail from "Borjomi". Useful properties of this product help humanity for more than a decade. In order to prepare a medicine, in addition to water, you will need milk. Mixing of components is necessary in equal proportions. Pre-release the gas from the mineral water. The elixir should be slightly heated. Drinking should be warm, but not hot.


Doctors never prescribe mineral treatmentwater if the patient was diagnosed with lung disease, which is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Patients with cardiac disorders (heart disease, seizures of a different nature) can not count on the effect of Borjomi's useful components. People suffering from diabetes, migraine, gout and arthritis are extremely undesirable to use this product.

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