/ / Infectious Diseases: Methods of Prevention

Infectious diseases for children: methods of prevention

Today, all parents are sufficiently informed aboutrisks of seasonal diseases and possible infections. By the fact that when a child is already sick, adults start looking for good doctors and miracle cures. However, not everyone understands that the main task is to prevent the onset of the disease, and not to cure it properly. There are quite a few ways to strengthen immunity, which is the main obstacle for most harmful bacteria and viruses. If you regularly carry out preventive procedures, teach the child to a healthy diet and proper nutrition - many diseases can be avoided.

Children's infectious diseases: prevention and treatment

All basic skills and habits are formed infrom early childhood. Children react sharply to the behavior of parents, which are for them the main example. Therefore, the priority task of adults is to unobtrusively push the baby to the basics of a healthy lifestyle.

Существенную роль в формировании иммунитета plays children's hygiene. The habit of carefully washing hands after playing games, walking, visiting the toilet should become an automatic reflex for each child. Children should use their own personal hygiene products and wear only their own clothes.

Необходимо содержать жилье в чистоте, регулярно wipe the dust and do a wet cleaning. Be sure to ventilate the room daily and do not allow air to dry out. These simple actions can significantly reduce the risk of infection.

As is known, children's infectious diseases are transmitted in two ways: airborne or oral (dirty hands, food, toys). Therefore, prevention consists of elementary rules of hygiene.

An important role for the prevention of disease and strengthening the body as a whole baby food: it must be diverse and balanced. Healthy food is a powerful regulator of all biological processes.

The peak of childhood infections falls on the firstdecade of a child's life. Exacerbation is most common when visiting social institutions (kindergartens, schools). When "familiarized" with other people's viruses and bacteria, the baby's body acquires immunity, and the incidence of the disease recedes over time. However, it is rather difficult to recognize infectious diseases at first. Therefore, when non-standard symptoms appear (rash, fever over 3 days, vomiting or diarrhea), you must immediately contact a medical institution.

Children's Disease

Everyone should have chronologicalrecords that reveal the processes of his treatment for a period of a disease. Today the patient's medical history in most medical institutions is provided on paper, in which diagnosis, monitoring of the patient during the treatment period and prescribed medications are recorded. This document gives medical personnel a complete picture of previous diseases, which allows you to adjust and choose the best treatment in the event of an illness.

Parents are required to keep a document of the child's medical history. This will simplify the work of doctors in the event of infection, and help determine the most effective treatment.

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