/ / Herbal preparation Plantaglucid: instructions for use

Herbal preparation Plantaglucid: instructions for use

plantaglucide instructions for use
Agent "Plantaglucid" instructions for usecharacterizes as a preparation of plant origin, which is based on the extract obtained from the leaves of plantain. In addition, this drug contains a mixture of polysaccharides. The reception of the preparation "Plantaglucid" (instruction for use confirms this) has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and astringent effect on the human body. As a result of using this medication, the edema of the folds of the gastric mucosa decreases significantly, and the tone of the intestinal muscles decreases. In general, this herbal remedy belongs to the pharmacological group of medicines, the main effect of which is directed to the normalization of metabolism and the digestive system.

The preparation "Plantaglucid" is produced, the price forwhich is (on average) two hundred fifty to three hundred rubles, in the form of granules of dark brown, light brown or dark gray color, with a sweet taste and a specific smell.

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In the composition of the drug, the main active ingredient is a substance such as plantaglucide. In the role of an additional component is sugar-refined sugar.

Accept granules "Plantaglucid" instructions forapplication recommends people who suffer from various diseases of the intestines and stomach, accompanied by a decreased acidity of gastric juice. In addition, this herbal remedy should be used in the treatment and prevention of the development of hypoacid gastritis.

As for the reception scheme of theof the drug, then, as a rule, doctors advise taking it twenty to thirty minutes before eating, previously diluting in a small amount of warm water. In this case, adults and children who have reached the age of twelve, it is recommended to use several times a day for one whole package of "Plantaglucid".

Patients younger age should take ½ -¼ medication is also two to three times a day. Use the plant preparation "Plantaglucid" instructions for use advises for three to four weeks (during the exacerbation of the disease). To prevent recurrence, this drug should be taken in the same doses within one to two months.

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This vegetable remedy is transferred, asusually in different groups of patients, and only in exceptional cases is it possible to have heartburn, as well as various allergic reactions. For example, a skin rash and hives due to the use of granules "Plantaglucid" can be observed. The doctors' testimonies also testify to the small risk of angioedema or hyperemia.

To prescribe the preparation "Plantaglucid" manufacturercategorically prohibits, if the patient has an individual sensitivity to the main active ingredient, stomach ulcers or duodenal ulcer. In addition, the list of direct contraindications includes hyperacid gastritis and age of up to six years.

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