Diseases of the urinary tract are accompanied byvery unpleasant symptoms. Most often it is a fever, a pain in the abdomen and lower back, an inability to properly urinate. Often in such situations, doctors prescribe complex drugs. One of these is Nephrofit tea. Instructions for use, the price of the medication will be presented to your attention in the article. You will also learn about what kind of reviews the medicine has.
About the preparation "Nephrofit" instructions for usesays that the product contains exclusively natural ingredients. In the majority it is grass. In tea there are leaves of black currant and chamomile flowers, staminate orthosiphon and mountaineer of bird's grass, cowberry leaves and roots of aira.
How much is the described medicine?It all depends on the manufacturer. The average price for one package of the drug is 90 rubles. In this case, the packet contains 20 filter bags intended for brewing.
Before using Nephrofit, the instructionon the application should be carefully studied. It is in the annotation the indications are indicated, under which the medication is prescribed. Remember that the independent use of tea can lead to unpleasant consequences.
The composition is prescribed for inflammatorydiseases of the bladder and its ducts. Also, tea is recommended as a diuretic. The administration of the drug is also performed with inflammation of the kidneys as an additional means to the basic therapy.
About the preparation "Nephrofit" instructions for useinforms that the medicine should not be used with increased sensitivity to its components. Also, the abstract does not recommend the appointment of the composition during lactation and pregnancy. However, doctors have a different point of view about this.
Very often future mothers in the period of gestationthe child is faced with diseases of the urinary tract. Pathologies appear due to the fact that during pregnancy there is a double burden on all organs and systems. In this case, often to improve the work of the urinary system, the composition "Nephrofit" is assigned. But it is necessary to take into account the state of the future mother and the possibility of allergic reactions to the components.
As you already know, the composition is produced infilter packets. Also you can purchase a bulk fee. Before using this and other form of the drug should be boiled water. To do this, take a filter bag and fill it with a glass of boiling water.
Adult patients only need to takehalf of the cooked portion with food. The frequency of application per day is two. Duration of treatment - up to one month. On the recommendation of the doctor after a short break, the course can be repeated.
About the preparation "Nephrofit" instructions for usereports that the composition has a diuretic effect. The same information is confirmed by consumers. However, this is the expected norm. With frequent urge to urinate, there is no need to cancel treatment.
You already know what the consumer is talking aboutpreparation "Nefrofit" instructions for use. The reviews say that the medicine has an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant effect. Some components help to reduce the crystallization of kidney stones. The composition contains a large amount of vitamin C, which also has a beneficial effect on the immune system.
The patients' comments say that it is very convenienttake "Nephrofit" (tea). Instructions for use with a detailed cooking algorithm is attached to each pack. The medicine has a specific taste. Some patients talk about an unpleasant aftertaste. However, after a few days of regular use, consumers do not notice this feeling. The drug is used as tea with great pleasure.
Patients say that on the first day of treatmentthe diuretic effect is clearly visible. The medication causes a frequent urge to urinate. Many women who used the drug during pregnancy noticed a decrease in edema. All because the excretory system begins to work much better.
Some representatives of the weaker sex are trying tolose weight with the help of the described means. Indeed, when using a medicine, the weight is reduced by several kilograms. However, it is just a fluid that accumulates over time in the body. The medicine does not have a fat burning effect and does not affect the metabolism. People with the possibility of developing allergies should use this composition with particular caution.
You learned about the drug "Nephrofit".Instructions for use, price, reviews are described in the article. You can buy the goods in the pharmacy kiosk. For this, you will not need a prescription from a doctor. Herbal remedies are more related to folk medicine. However, it is appointed in combination with traditional compounds. Remember that even medicinal herbs should be prescribed by a doctor. If you are concerned about kidney or bladder disease, then see a doctor immediately. Only a doctor can prescribe to you a really suitable remedy for correcting this or that pathology. Be healthy, all the best to you!