/ / The drug "Traumeel" (ointment). Instructions for use

The drug "Traumeel" (ointment). Instructions for use

The drug "Traumeel" refers to homeopathic remedies. The medicine is produced in tablet form, in the form of ointment, solution for injection. The mechanism of action is based on the properties of its components.

Ointment "Traumeel". Indications for use

The drug is prescribed as part of an integratedtherapy in the pathology of inflammatory nature in various tissues and organs. In particular, the remedy is effective in the defeat of the musculoskeletal system with periarthritis, epicondylitis, bursitis, tendovaginitis, styloiditis. Medication "Traumeel" (ointment) the instruction recommends for post traumatic conditions. In particular, the medicine is prescribed to eliminate puffiness during stretching, dislocation, after operations. The solution for injections is recommended additionally for fractures and arthrosis.

ointment traumel indications for use


Do not prescribe a remedy for intolerancesubstances present in its composition (such as yarrow, daisy, chamomile, medicinal nails, echinacea, mountain arnica and other plants from the family of Compositae). Contraindications include multiple sclerosis, leukemia, autoimmune type pathologies (HIV, AIDS), collagenosis, tuberculosis. The drug "Traumeel" (ointment) instruction does not recommend in childhood (up to 3 years). Precautions are taken in the treatment of liver pathologies, TBI, alcoholism, brain diseases. The advisability of therapy during the prenatal period and during lactation is determined by the doctor.

ointment traumel application
The medicine "Traumeel" (ointment). Adverse Reactions

When applied, skin irritation, dryness,rash. As a rule, these negative reactions are associated with individual intolerance. When these symptoms appear, the treatment is stopped. Medical consultation is necessary.

Ointment "Traumeel". Application, dosage

The required amount of liniment (depending on thefrom the affected area) is applied a thin layer on the skin. Allowed easy massage of the problem area. The frequency of application is no more than three times a day. You can use a bandage, especially at night. In the post-traumatic conditions, the drug "Traumeel" (ointment) recommends the use for two or more weeks, against the background of inflammation - no less than three or four.

additional information

Against the backdrop of treatment, especially on the initial onesstages, there may be an increase in the existing symptoms. With such a "primary deterioration," the use of the drug is stopped. It is necessary to visit a doctor. With external use of the drug "Traumeel" (ointment) - the instruction contains such information - an overdose is unlikely. If you accidentally get into the esophagus, you should wash the stomach. In practice, the effect of the medication on the psycho-emotional state of patients is not noted. In this regard, the use of the drug by persons of different professions is allowed.

traumel ointment manual
To achieve maximum effectiveness of therapyrecommended the combined use of the drug in various forms. Therapy should be performed only after a visit to the doctor. After expiry date, use the product is prohibited. The drug is stored in a place inaccessible to children.

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