/ How much does alcohol consume in the human body?

How long does alcohol persist in the human body?

Information on how much alcohol is kept inbody, often worried about people. Such a question is most often asked by motorists. After all, it is extremely important for them to understand, after what time after a tumultuous feast, you can again sit on the steering wheel of your car. In this article, we'll talk about how much alcohol is kept in the body, and what factors can influence it.

how much alcohol is kept in the body

Stages of contact between body and alcohol

Conditionally, there are three stages:

  • mixing with blood;
  • oxidation by the body (digestion);
  • removal of the residual product.

Absorbed into the blood alcohol begins immediately afterreaching its maximum concentration in the body. In each case, its value may differ. The withdrawal of residues, in which our liver is actively involved, occurs almost immediately after the first stage. The remains of alcohol, not released from the body, gradually turn into water or carbon dioxide.

What influences the duration of intoxication?

how long does alcohol stay in the blood

When answering the question about how much alcohol is kept in the body, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • what fortress had a drink;
  • gender of the person (male / female);
  • general body condition and weight;
  • how much was drunk;
  • use of hormonal contraceptives, antibiotics, psychotropic and hypnotics;
  • how much time has passed since the last drunk;
  • how often does such a drink.

It is known for certain that from the female organism alcohol is excreted more slowly by 20%.

Output time

How long does alcohol stay in the body if it wasdrunk 100 grams of vodka? Considering all the above factors, the time can be from 3 to 4.5 hours. But beer with a strength of 6% and a volume of 0.5 liters will affect the human body in only 20 minutes to 1 hour. As mentioned earlier, these figures may differ in each particular case, so in order to avoid unpleasant situations with police officers it is better to add to them a couple of more hours for fidelity. So, if we talk about how much alcohol is kept in the body, then first of all pay attention to the quantity and strength of the drunk. Here is a small summary table.

Type of alcoholic beverage

Number (grams)

Estimated withdrawal time from the body (hours)



from 8 to 10



from 1 to 1.5

Cognac and its mixture with champagne


from 3 to 4,5

Port wine


from 3,5 to 5,5

How to speed up the process?

Speed ​​up the process of alcohol withdrawal from the bodyis quite real. To do this, you will need to take a shower, be sure to change clothes, which you took alcohol on the eve, and drink a lot, then the procedure will also connect the kidneys.

how much alcohol is kept in your blood


Summarizing, unequivocally answer the question ofHow long alcohol is kept in your blood, you can not. As it was possible to find out earlier, too many factors can influence this term. In conclusion, I would like to warn all drivers who come to any feast or celebration on their car, that after taking alcohol, you have to get it out of the body before taking the wheel, and this takes time. Therefore, do not rush, wait a few hours (depending on the amount drunk, etc.) or call a taxi.

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