/ / "Kodelak Broncho" with thyme: instructions for use, indications, reviews

"Kodelak Broncho" with thyme: instructions for use, indications, reviews

Among a variety of medicines fromThere are coughs that are especially popular. Their list includes the cough syrup "Kodelak Broncho" with thyme. Conditionally, all such cough medicines can be divided into several categories. Some liquefy act on the sputum of the bronchi and promote its separation and excretion, while others soften the attacks of dry cough, the third have an effect on the cough centers and eliminate the cough reflex itself. Each of these drugs works strictly directed, so that the indications described in the instructions to them should be taken into account. Also, follow the doctor's instructions.

kodelak bronho with thyme instruction

Specialists prescribe a medical device"Kodelak" with thyme, taking into account the special conditions relating to each individual patient, as the plant extracts, included in its composition, can cause a variety of allergic phenomena. Self-administration of this medication without specialist supervision can lead to negative consequences.

Instructions for "Codelac Broncho" with thyme will be presented below.

Pharmacological properties of the drug

The medicine is a combinedmedicament for the removal of moist cough, which contributes to the sputum and influences the safe resolution of inflammatory processes in the bronchi.

From what cough "Kodelak Broncho" with thyme helps?

Composition and form of release

The drug is issued in the form ofsyrup. The color of this liquid varies from dark to light brown hue, and when storing the medicine, precipitation can form, which does not affect its pharmacological and therapeutic properties. In vials can be 50, 100 and 200 ml each. In the carton box, along with the medicine, a measuring spoon is also present in the package.

What is the composition of "Kodelak Broncho" with thyme?

cough syrup from Kodelak bronchus with thyme

In 5 ml of medicinal syrup in the form of active ingredients contains:

  • ambroxol hydrochloride;
  • sodium glycyrrhizinate (trisodium salts of glycyrrhizic acid);
  • liquid extract of thyme.

The auxiliary components in the drug are as follows:

  • nipagin;
  • nipazel;
  • sorbitol;
  • purified water.

Farmakodinamika drugs

According to the instructions, "Kodelak Broncho" with thymeIs a modern combined preparation that has an effective mucolytic and expectorant effect, which has active anti-inflammatory properties. It is used to treat wet cough for the purpose of separating the sputum and removing it from the airway gaps. The pharmacological effectiveness of this syrup determined certain properties of its active components.

Ambroxol exerts an expectorant,secretory and secretory effect, while normalizing the ratio of mucous and serous components of sputum, which contributes to a sharp increase in the production of surfactant in the alveoli of the lungs. In addition, this substance reduces the density of phlegm and facilitates its departure.

Glycyrrhizinate (salts of glycyrrhizic acid)has an effective anti-inflammatory and antiviral effect, and, through antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing ability, also exhibits cytoprotective efficacy, which significantly improves the functions of endogenous glucocorticosteroids and enhances the anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties of this substance. Its anti-inflammatory activity inhibits the processes of inflammation in the respiratory tract.

Extracts of herb thyme represented in thismedicinal product in the form of essential oils, have a persistent expectorant effect, have some reparative and antispasmodic properties.

Kodelak broncho with thyme composition

In what cases is the medication taken?

In accordance with the instructions, "Kodelak Broncho" with thyme should be used in the development of a number of respiratory diseases, which can be accompanied by the formation of thick sputum. It:

  • bronchitis (in the form of acute or chronic manifestation);
  • bronchiectasis pathology;
  • pneumonia.

Contraindications to the use of medicinal product

Absolute contraindications for the use of this medication are:

  1. Period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  2. The child's age is less than three years.
  3. Individual hypersensitivity to this or that component, which is a part of the medical preparation.
  4. Presence of allergic manifestations.

What else does the instruction to "Codelac Broncho" with the thyme tell us?

Kodelak broncho with thyme from which cough

Use with caution

This drug requires very careful administration in a number of cases. It:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • in the presence of kidney failure;
  • with peptic ulcer of the digestive system.

Dosage of medication

The cough syrup is taken internally. The medicine should be washed down with water.

"Kodelak Broncho" with thyme for children can also be used.

Recommended dosages for children, depending on their ages:

  • from 3 to 6 years - 3 ml;
  • from 6 to 10 years - 4 ml each;
  • from 12 years and adults - 10 ml.

Give the medicine 3 times a day.

The duration of the therapeutic course is no more than 7 days.

treatment of bronchitis

Side effects from the use of medicament

As side effects observedslight dryness in the mouth, constipation, indigestion, nausea, headache, rhinitis, dysuria, weakness. If there are allergic reactions to the active ingredients or excipients of the drug, it should be discontinued. In cases of overdose, it is recommended to cancel the drug, wash the stomach and symptomatic therapy. With caution, this medication should be used in cases of diabetes mellitus.

Analogs of the medicinal product

Similar drugs are:

  • "Bronchipret";
  • Lazolvan
  • Ambroxol.

There are others.

Reviews about "Kodelak Broncho" with thyme

Feedback from customers about this medical devicemost of the coughs are positive. People appreciate the pleasant taste of the medicinal syrup and note its effectiveness in eliminating cough caused by diseases such as bronchitis and tracheitis. In addition, there is a convenience from the presence of a measuring spoon in the package, as well as an economical consumption.

Kodelak bronho with thyme for children

Patients are very pleased with the fact that thisa medical product can be purchased in a pharmacy without a prescription. Negative adverse events that are associated with the use of the drug, in the reviews of the "Codelac Broncho" with thyme are almost never mentioned. Another pleasant impression was that the price of the medicine is relatively low, and the syrup itself is very effective, plus everything - it contains natural ingredients that, unlike chemical ones, are not harmful to the body.

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