/ / What vitamins to drink in the autumn for immunity: names

What vitamins to drink in the autumn for immunity: names

With the approach of the autumn pore, the protective systemthe human body is weakened, so we easily get sick with various colds and viral infections. At this time of the year, you should stick to a healthy lifestyle more than ever, otherwise you will not stop sneezing and coughing until the very spring. Strengthen the immune system, of course, will help vitamins.

The need for vitamins is always

If you think that after eating plenty in the summerfruits and vegetables, rich in their content of useful substances, you are stocked with microelements of the groups "A", "B", "C", "D", "E" for a whole year, then you are mistaken. Unfortunately, they do not possess the property of accumulating in our body, and they need to be replenished regularly.

What vitamins to drink in the fall

В этой связи первостепенное значение приобретает the question of what vitamins to drink in the autumn, to forget about illness for a long time. Of course, you can not neglect any of the above groups. All of them play a crucial role for our health.

Unfortunately, ignorant people not only do not know about what vitamins to drink in the fall, but also about how they can make up their deficit.

Of course, many know that useful micronutrients are found in vegetables and fruits, and autumn is the time when harvest of apples, pears, pumpkins, grapes is harvested.

So, let's start the practical consideration of the question of what vitamins to drink in the fall.

Vitamins of group "A"

Due to the lack of useful substances in the body with the onset of the first colds, the condition of our hair, nails, teeth begins to deteriorate, and our immunity weakens.

What vitamins to drink in autumn to children

На вопрос о том, какие витамины пить осенью для In order to solve the above problems, you should answer: "Those that belong to group" A ". They are found in carrots, apples, brynza, and also in sea kale and cottage cheese.

Many people are interested in the topic of what vitamins to drinkautumn for immunity. As already stressed, to increase the body's resistance to diseases the entire complex of nutrients is needed. Immunity can not be strengthened by getting vitamins A and B, while ignoring micronutrients belonging to groups C, D and E.

Strengthen the protective reaction of the body can be if you drink as much freshly squeezed apple and carrot juices.

Vitamins of group "B"

Не имеете ни малейшего представления о том, какие Do vitamins drink in the fall? Does the name "thiamine" tell you anything? And meanwhile, it is a vitamin necessary for health, which is known as B1. Its deficiency can trigger the development of nervous, cardiovascular pathologies, the emergence of muscle pain. The shortage of B1 can be replenished by beer yeast and seeds of cereals, for example, wheat.

What vitamins to drink in the autumn for immunity

Many people ask:"What vitamins drink in the fall for children"? First of all, they include riboflavin, which is known as B2. Its lack leads to impaired vision, and it also takes an active part in the growth processes. To enrich the baby's body with vitamin B2, you should include in the diet foods such as spinach, tomatoes, cauliflower, yeast, milk.

What vitamins drink in the fall of children yet?Of course, these are micronutrients that refer to groups "C" and "D". A young and unformed organism is especially prone to ODS diseases, so every child should regularly eat citrus fruits rich in vitamin C. Well, vitamin D is necessary for children to strengthen bone tissue and reduce fatigue. However, let's continue on the group "B".

The third most important is nicotineacid. Without it, the synthesis of hormones is impossible. A small amount of this vitamin leads to apathy, lethargy, reduced concentration. Corn and milk will help fill the gap.

Also very important for human health is vitamin B6, known as pyridoxine.

What vitamins to drink in the fall girl

In the autumn, it is usually not enoughthe body. As a result, diseases of the cardiovascular system are exacerbated and liver diseases are progressing. To minimize these risks, you should eat yeast, whole grains, beans, nuts, pomegranates.

Vitamins of group "C"

Of course, a huge number of representativesstrong sex is concerned about the question of what vitamins to drink in the fall of a man. First of all, it is necessary to enrich the body with ascorbic acid, which is poorly decomposed and hardly absorbed by those who suffer from nicotine addiction. Vitamins of group "C", as already emphasized, help to increase the body's resistance to disease, especially for flu and cold. Oranges, lemons, sweet peppers, cabbage, black currant will help fill the lack of ascorbic acid.

Vitamins of group "D"

And the weaker sex is concerned with the question of what vitamins to drink in the fall for a girl. First of all, young ladies need to cope with a deficiency of vitamin D.

What vitamins to drink in the fall to the man

With the onset of the first cold of the sunactivity decreases, so the amount of this vitamin in the body decreases, since its synthesis occurs with the direct participation of ultraviolet rays.

Vitamin D helps make our bones strong. Sour cream, cream, chicken eggs will help to get rid of its deficiency.

Vitamins of group "E"

Without vitamin E in the fall can not do because healso helps strengthen our immunity, and also slows down the aging process. If you want to enrich the body with vitamin E, eat more walnuts, spinach, dried apricots, sea buckthorn, peanuts and sorrel.

Vitamin Complexes

Unfortunately, even if our table is littereda variety of vegetables, fruits and other foods, we can not 100% satisfy the body's need for vitamins. Therefore, vitamin companies were developed by pharmaceutical companies, which contain everything necessary for health promotion.

What vitamins to drink in the fall of the name

We list the most common ones.Currently, Vitrum (USA) is in great demand, which is recommended for high physical and mental loads, as well as for unbalanced nutrition and during the progression of infectious diseases.

Also popular is the drug "Alphabet" (Russia), which should be taken with a deficiency of trace elements, during dieting and unbalanced nutrition.

Many people prefer to take vitamin complex "Complivit" (Russia), which helps strengthen the body's immune system.

It is necessary to remember that the aboveThe means, despite being sold without a prescription by a doctor, are still considered drugs, so it is very important not to overdo it with their dosage. Also remember that some vitamin supplements may be simply incompatible with each other, so it is not always possible to use several complexes at once.

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