/ / Institute of Surgery. Vishnevsky: history, description

Institute of Surgery. Vishnevsky: history, description

In Russia, the largest research and developmentmedical institution is the Institute of Surgery. Vishnevsky. Leading specialists of not only our country but also foreign countries work at this medical center. In this article, we will review the history of the construction and opening of this institute, learn about the methods of treatment used here.

Institute of Vishnevsky Surgery

How it all began

Construction of charitable medicalinstitutions in Russia started in the XIX century. And the XX century was marked by the discovery of a whole "hospital" town. Currently in this area is located the famous Institute of Surgery them. Vishnevsky. In the XVIII century, Emperor Alexander II approved a resolution on the construction of the poorhouse on the street Chipok. With the desire to build a structure of this kind, large traders, the Solodovnikov brothers, spoke. They offered to use their own lands for this. In addition, it was they who fully financed this "building of the century." The brothers allocated crazy money for that event - 500 thousand rubles from this budget. In the summer of 1865, the opening of medical buildings for the poor, the elderly and sick people took place.

Construction of the Alexander Hospital

In 1873, a merchant society offeredto build a hospital in which 50 people were to be accommodated without any ranks or states. The making of this decision was influenced by the recovery of the heir to the throne. Subsequently, the institution received the name of the Alexander Hospital merchant society of the city of Moscow. After a long search for the construction site, it was decided to acquire a part of the Solodnikovs' lands, which bordered on the poorhouse they had built. It should be noted that all construction work was carried out strictly according to the developed project, which for that time was considered unique. When creating it, both Russian construction experience and new foreign developments were taken into account. In addition, special sanitary and hygienic requirements were imposed on the erected building. The spring of 1891 was marked by the opening of a newly built hospital for the poor.

Vishnevsky Institute of Vascular Surgery

New achievements

Institute of Surgery them.During the period from 1976 to 1988, Vishnevsky carried out a number of the most complicated operations, which later began to be practiced by foreign specialists. The most widespread selective proximal vagotomy. Also in these years they began to use microsurgical techniques, first used endoscopic and laser papillosphincterotomy. In addition, we were able to perform a therapeutic minimally invasive non-surgical procedure for the bronchial artery during pulmonary hemorrhage. Institute of Vascular Surgery them. In the 70s of the last century, Vishnevsky developed a unique unbinding method of treating extensive burns. Thanks to this procedure, it was possible not only to reduce the number of painful dressings, but also to significantly reduce the time the patient was in the hospital.

Institute of Surgery im Wiesniewski address

Successes of the last years

Institute of SurgeonsSince 2011, Vishnevsky has been headed by Professor Kubyshkin Valery Alekseevich. He is a State Award Winner and was awarded Government Awards. The main activity of the academician is the introduction of a new type of surgical intervention - laparoscopic. This type of surgical procedure today is successfully used in diseases of the liver, biliary tract, spleen, pancreas and gastrointestinal tract. In addition, under his leadership, were conducted unique research work in the treatment of purulent peritonitis. Today, this medical center has a unique and the most modern diagnostic equipment. Where is the Institute of Surgery them. Vishnevsky? Address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya, p. 27. By the way, as in former times, any kind of medical care is provided to all residents of our country, regardless of their social and material status.

Instryut Surgery im Vishnevsky reviews

Institute of Surgery them. Vishnevsky: reviews

Patients talk about this center only good.the words. Many patients note the high professionalism of doctors in the treatment of burns, surgical interventions and the implementation of non-surgical treatments. Definitely it can be said that this medical institution in our country is the most advanced in terms of international standards and treatment technologies. In addition, the Institute has been recognized as a leader in many areas of surgery. According to statistics, every year up to 24 thousand residents of Russia apply for inpatient or outpatient examinations at this center. Each of them receives timely and qualified treatment.

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