How many years can I wear lenses?A question that interests many. Lenses are a great alternative to glasses. They are comfortable, practical, not felt. Some pluses. However, for how many years you can wear lenses - a question to be answered.
Age restrictions exist.Since how many years wear lenses? Doctors-experts give the go-ahead for carrying this invention from the age of 14. The whole point is that by the age of 14, the person has finally formed the cornea of the eye. At this age, it is equal in size to the cornea of any adult. So wearing a lens can not affect its successful development.
However, it is worth noting that 14 years is notan unequivocal answer to the question of how many years you can wear lenses. There are exceptions, as elsewhere. Lenses can also be prescribed for children. They have a special, small size. However, they are ordered in special centers with an ophthalmic profile. In other cases, children under the age of 14 must wear glasses with poor eyesight.
With how many years you can wear lenses - clearly. Now you should talk about how to properly wear them, what care is needed, etc.
Many people think that wearing lenses is easy.Yes, it is, in the process of wearing, there really is nothing supernatural, because it is a very thin material that is comfortable to the eye and does not feel at all. However, the lenses need careful care, so that they last a long time and they were comfortable to wear, and not to spoil your eyesight.
At first. Lenses should pick a doctor.In fact, an ophthalmologist can find answers to many interesting questions: "from what age do lenses wear," "what solution is better to use," "for how many months can they be worn," etc.
The ophthalmologist, before registering the lenses, conductsdiagnostics on modern equipment. After that, a prescription is issued. On it and you need to order lenses, but only in a special store or in optics. Before you start using them, you should read the instructions. Usually in optics, when they give out lenses, they learn how to properly wear them. At someone it turns out at once, someone needs to be trained - all depends on skills. Some simply experience an undefined fear - that the foreign body will be in the eye. However, after this very "foreign body" gets to the surface of the eye - you immediately forget about all fear. The first time may be unusual, that everything is well and clearly visible without glasses, like "native vision", but then you get used to it.
To lenses get used gradually.On the first day they need to wear an hour, in the second - two, in the third - three, and so on ascending. Thus both the eye and the person get used to. The solution in the container, where you need to store the lens, must be changed daily. If, of course, for three days, for example, they did not dress - you can leave it. For the shelf life of the solution and lenses should be monitored. There are some that you can wear a month, there are also three-month, daily. For every taste, as they say. But the main thing is to change it in time, otherwise you can ruin your eyesight or damage your eyes.