Most parents faced a problemdiarrhea in a child and have experience of treating this ailment. But what if you ran into a baby's diarrhea for the first time? The main thing is not to panic! This article is a practical guide, giving an answer to the question "Diarrhea in a child than to treat?".
So, if a child has one or twice a daythere was a liquid stool without any impurities and blood, while the temperature is not increased, and the stomach does not hurt, then it is not worthwhile to sound an alarm. It is necessary to give the child food that strengthens a little: rice porridge, kissel on rice broth (meaning that the water in which rice was cooked should be sweetened and give to the baby), lean meat, potatoes, blueberries (dried, which is sold at the pharmacy) pears. If the trouble does not happen again - you can relax.
If the liquid stool happens more often 4 times a dayand has an uncharacteristic color (black, green, or generally colorless), it is worthwhile to be on the alert. And if there is more blood in the stool, it is an extremely disturbing sign, as well as a fever. Especially if this happens to a child under 1 year old. In this situation, you should call a doctor. But, waiting for the doctor, who will answer the question "Diarrhea in a child than to treat?" Do not stand idly by. It is necessary to periodically measure the temperature and often, but gradually give the child a drink, in order to avoid dehydration of the body. In this case, water should not be given by water, because it will not stay in the intestine, but with special solutions, for example, "Regidron", which is suitable even for children under 1 year old (but the dosage should be checked with a doctor!).
A separate "song" - the child's diarrhea is greencolor on the background of teething, and the chair seems to be "squirted" outward. This, of course, looks awesome. But, as a rule, it ends with the appearance of the tooth. True, with a doctor should be consulted necessarily!
By the way, in children of the first month of life, a stool can happen 10 times a day - this is not a pathology, if the feces do not foam, has a normal color and does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor.
It is important to know that to stop breastfeeding with diarrhea in the child should not: breast milk contains substances that contribute to the normalization of intestinal flora.
It is good to have such drugs at hand:"Smecta", "Linex", "Nifuroxazide". They can be used as an "ambulance" by consulting a physician about the dosage, waiting for the moment when the doctor arrives.
If the diarrhea lasts more than 3 days, then it is worth surrenderinganalyzes that confirm or disprove the presence of infection (diarrhea can be a symptom of diseases such as dententaria, salmonellosis, Shigella Zone). Also, the cause of diarrhea can be dysbiosis, which can also be determined by tests.
And what to do if the disease manifested itself suddenly andfar away from home, for example, during a holiday outside the city? Parents tormented by the thought "Diarrhea in a child than to treat?". If there is no pharmacy nearby and the parents did not take medicine with you, then you should prepare such a solution: in 1 liter of boiled water dissolve 1 tablespoon of sugar, half a teaspoon of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of table salt. This is an effective remedy for diarrhea for children. But it is not a panacea, but a temporary measure! The doctor should be contacted immediately! At the very least, consult by phone!
It is worth noting that the child's diarrhea may beis caused by a variety of causes and passively waiting for improvement or self-medication, "prescribing" antibiotics to the child is by no means possible - this can cause the most unfortunate consequences. So, summarizing the answers to the question "Diarrhea in a child than to treat?", We get the following list of actions: call a doctor and, expecting him, give the baby a drink ("Regidron" or its analogues), monitor all changes in the behavior and condition of the baby.