There is a large list of diseases with whichsometimes it is not easy to seek medical help. The most famous of these is hemorrhoids. Often it passes by itself, it is only necessary to change the diet, sometimes it needs medical intervention, in other cases it is enough to use special ointments or suppositories.
In any case, it is first of all necessary to applyto a specialist who will be able to prescribe adequate treatment. If the case, according to his opinion, is not neglected, and a complete cure can be achieved by treating alone, it is not superfluous to get acquainted with what the domestic pharmacies offer as effective drugs for hemorrhoids.
One of the well-known drugs isAnestezol (suppositories), the instruction on its application, refers it to topical drugs aimed at reducing inflammation, as well as having drying, astringent and local anesthetic action.
The described suppositories should be taken if the manifestations of the following diseases are detected:
As the main active substance, the drug contains benzocaine. Its presence reaches 100 mg in one candle. Additional components are listed below:
In pharmacies, you can find different forms of releasemedicines. Anestezol (candles) is available packed in cardboard boxes of 5 or 10 pieces, depending on the manufacturer. Candles themselves are suppositories of dark yellow color. Their shape is closer to the shape of the torpedo.
Before the application of anesthetic candles, the instruction must be read, since there are a number of contraindications:
According to the instruction, for better penetratingthe action of the candle is recommended after a cleansing enema or bowel movement. The recommended dosage is 1 or 2 suppositories up to two times a day. Children over 12 medication is prescribed according to the same scheme of admission, if there were no other medical recommendations.
There are a number of side effects that a consumer of the drug Anestezol (candles) may encounter. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them in order to avoid unpleasant consequences:
To ensure that the medicinal product isDuring the whole shelf life - 3 years, it is necessary to observe the storage conditions. Anestesol (candles) instruction recommends to protect from direct exposure to sunlight, at temperatures up to 20 ° C.
Please also note that the drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription.
Currently, two domestic companies are engaged in the release of the drug: Nizhpharm ROS and Dalhimfarm ROS.
The instruction does not inform about the combination and interaction with other drugs of the drug "Anestezol" (candles).
Please, take into account that this information is for informational purposes only. Do not self-medicate, it is best to see a doctor for appropriate advice.