Many plants have long been consideredcurative. Among them is peppermint. The healing properties of this herb have been the reason for its cultivation. Several centuries ago it was customary in folk medicine to use all varieties of this plant, but today wild cultures do not apply.
Peppermint: general characteristics of a plant
Сегодня мяту перечную выращивают на дачных sites and in special farms. This is a natural hybrid of two crossed varieties of mint: water and spike. A bush perennial plant about a meter in height has an upright stem and a powerful root system. Leaves oval, pointed at the ends, darker nearer to the tip. Flowers are light purple, collected in spicate inflorescences in the sinuses of the apical leaves.
The people are very appreciated the medicinal properties of mintpeppery. There are white and black varieties, their main difference in color. Unlike white mint, leaves and black stem have a dark purple hue. Both kinds smell almost the same, only the smell of black mint is more sharp.
Easy maintenance and medicinal properties of mintpeppery contribute to its wide distribution. Any soil is suitable for the successful growth of this plant. It grows quite rapidly, multiplies vegetatively with the help of layers and division of rhizomes.
Peppermint: composition and useful properties
Collect the grass in summer, at the very beginning of its flowering,dried outdoors, in places inaccessible to direct sunlight. For medicinal purposes, leaves, flowers and stem are used. Mint contains essential oils, menthol, tannins, microelements, carotene, organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, betaine, terpenoids.
Основным компонентом, благодаря которому лечебные properties of peppermint are of special value, is menthol. This substance has bactericidal and anesthetic properties, and also affects surface blood vessels.
In addition to useful properties, there are somecontraindications for the use of drugs and infusions based on peppermint: low blood pressure, weak pulse, varicose veins, increased acidity of gastric juice, children less than 3 years of age, pregnancy. Also, men are not recommended excessive use of mint and drugs on its basis, since there is a theory about the harmful effect of grass on male libido.