/ / Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home: folk methods

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home: folk methods

Recently, doctors are seeing an increasenumber of cases of osteochondrosis. Particularly affected cervical and lumbar. Naturally, this pathology needs to be eliminated, since with strong development it prevents a person from moving and leading a normal life. Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home involves the use of infusions of herbs, homemade ointments, baths, massage and exercise.

treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at home
Let's consider each method in order.So, the most effective way of treatment is physical education. And for the cervical department there is a separate set of exercises. You can perform them in the sitting and standing position. In some cases, everything can be done lying down. For example, such an exercise helps: sit on a chair and slowly start to tilt your head back. In this case, the back should be kept as straight as possible. The head must be thrown back as much as possible. Do exercises for about half a minute.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at homeIt is made by means of turns of a head and its inclinations aside. In principle, all these exercises can be done independently. You can also shrug your shoulders, while trying to get them to your ears. In this exercise, there is a certain feature. The fact is that first you have to lift both shoulders, and then take turns. And gradually the speed of execution should be increased.

folk treatment of cervical osteochondrosis
Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at homeprovides for the use of manual therapy. Some tricks you can do yourself. However, in this case you will definitely need an assistant: the massage techniques are simple, so any relative can learn them. The procedure should be carried out very smoothly, without sudden movements and pressure. Basically, such tricks are used: grinding, stroking and kneading.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis at homecan be produced and with the help of compresses, baths and rubbing medicinal herbs. For example, grated raw potatoes, mixed with honey, can perfectly relieve the pain syndrome. A similar compress is applied for several hours to the neck. A great tool is a mixture of shredded lemon and garlic. Naturally, it must be insisted for two days. Take the prepared preparation inside by one tablespoon three times a day.

cervical osteochondrosis ointment treatment
Traditional treatment of cervical osteochondrosisrecommends patients take baths with the addition of leaves of birch, mint and lemon balm. It is necessary to stay in such water for half an hour. The presented method not only removes the pain syndrome, but also cleanses the body as a whole.

Eliminate cervical osteochondrosis treatment (ointments,compresses, exercise therapy, massage), as well as a healthy lifestyle. Naturally, you must eat right, eat less alcohol, tobacco and harmful food. Ointments for treatment can be prepared by hand. For example, rub the horseradish leaves and mix the gruel with butter. The resulting remedy should simply be applied to a sore spot and wrapped. It has a warming effect.

You can also make ointment of ammonia.alcohol and stalks coltsfoot. However, this tool will need to insist for a long time (a month in a closed place). After preparation, the substance will need to simply spread without rubbing. Be healthy!

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