/ / Is it possible to wash the eye with miramistin? Expert advice and instructions

Can I wash my eye with miramistin? Expert advice and instructions

The drug Miramistin is effective anda safe antiseptic. It is in free sale. Previously, the drug was available for use in gynecology. Now it is used in many other industries. Who would have thought that sometimes Miramistin is used for the eyes ?! More about this you will learn today.

can I wash my eye with miramistin

Can I wash my eye with Miramistin?

To answer this question, it is necessary to startRefer to the instructions. The annotation says that Miramistin contains an active ingredient called benzyldimethyl. It is used to purify the skin and mucous membranes from pathogenic microorganisms. After reading the contraindications, you will find out: the remedy is not used only with the individual intolerance of the active substance. If to judge, then we can draw a logical conclusion that it is not forbidden to apply Miramistin to the eyes.

miramistin for eyes

Efficacy of medicine for eye diseases

Can I wash my eye with Miramistin?The manufacturer does not prohibit such use of the drug. But why such actions are necessary? What is the effectiveness of antiseptic when using it in ophthalmology?

Miramistin solution has a wide spectrumactions. It is effective against various bacteria, fungi and viruses. Often, before the appointment of a medicine, ophthalmologists appoint a patient to a culture. This analysis allows to identify the pathogen, and the doctor, in turn, prescribes an effective medicine. Since the claimed antiseptic is effective against almost all microbes, it can be used even without preliminary analysis. There is a high probability that it will help you. Practice shows that patients use Miramistin to wash their eyes with conjunctivitis caused by gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Also apply the formulation for fungal diseases, viral infections of the organs of vision.

Is it possible to use miramistin for the eyes

Medical point of view

So can I use Miramistin for the eyesactually? What do experienced medics think about this? Doctors say that benzyldimethyl, indeed, is an excellent antiseptic. Many patients, not knowing the cause of eye disease, get antibiotic drops. But not always they are effective. The benzyl dimethyl component is recovered in most cases. However, it is not always convenient to use Miramistin, measuring drops. Especially if you have a bottle with a spray nozzle.

The manufacturer of the claimed means has longproduces a medicine based on the same active substance, but especially for the eyes. Its trade name is Okomistin. It cleanses the mucosa from gram-negative, gram-positive bacteria, anaerobes and aerobes. It is proved that it is effective against fungi, chlamydia, viruses (including herpes), adenoviruses. The drug reduces the resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics. But this medicine has its limitations. It is not prescribed to women during pregnancy and lactation, and also to children under 18 years of age.

Mode of application

Is it possible to wash the eye with miramistin?inflammation? Yes! Moisten the preparation with a sterile swab and clear the organ of vision from purulent discharge. Then in each eye, drip 2-3 drops. Repeat the procedure three times a day. To children "Miramistin" for eyes, doctors appoint 1-2 drops with a triple application per day.

If you decide to use Okomistin, then itsIntroduce in the conjunctival bag for 1-2 drops to 6 times a day. The manufacturer does not limit the period of application. It is acceptable to use an antiseptic until the moment when recovery comes.

Miramistin and Okomistin are allowed to usefor preventive purposes. Drugs are prescribed for surgical and diagnostic interventions. Start applying solutions three days before the procedure. In each eye, inject 1-2 drops three times a day. After manipulation, if it is not prohibited by a doctor, use an antiseptic for 10 more days. This will help to avoid the appearance of a bacterial infection.

Is it possible to wash the eye with Miramistin ifthere was a trauma? This manipulation is not only possible, but also necessary. If the mucous membrane is damaged, a high probability of complications arises, since the pathogenic flora immediately enters the affected area. Wipe the injured area with a sterile cotton swab soaked in a solution of Miramistin or Okokostin. If necessary, bury the medicine in the conjunctival sac. For the duration of therapy, refuse to wear contact lenses, as they increase the risk of infection of mucous surfaces.

miramistin for washing eyes with conjunctivitis

Why should not Miramistin be used in ophthalmology?

For what reasons is the advantage given to the eyedrop "Okomistin"? Miramistin should not be used in ophthalmology on its own, because this drug is in principle not intended for use in such purposes. To replace one agent with another is necessary because the Miramistin solution is inconvenient to dose. You can overdo it with the amount of medication. Refuse the spontaneous use of the claimed medication is also because its absolute analogue has more contraindications that need to be considered.


As it turned out, using Miramistin forwashing of the eyes with inflammatory and infectious diseases, trauma, with a preventive goal can. But doctors advise to purchase a special drug, which is intended for use in ophthalmology. Eye drops "Okomistin", like the Miramistin itself, have a lot of advantages:

  1. do not sow crops before use;
  2. medicines will definitely help you (even if the disease is caused by viruses, and a bacterial infection has joined it);
  3. drugs are safe, they almost never provoke side effects.

Despite all the positive qualities, do not get carried away by self-medication. If possible, consult a doctor to resolve the problem.

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