/ / Different types of lichen in humans

Different types of lichen in humans

Almost all types of lichen in humans carry an infectiouscharacter and are associated with the activities of a very specific type of pathogenic microbes. This inflammatory skin disease is characterized by impaired pigmentation, itching, scaling. All types of lichen in humans (photo demonstrates differences between varieties) make consultation with a dermatologist necessary. Some forms are transmitted through touch. Also, depending on the variety of lichen and its pathogen, the methods of treatment differ. Let's look at the types and features of their therapy.

Types of depriving people

Types of lichen in humans: pathogens, general principles of treatment

The patient should be isolated, the local drugscombine with funds aimed at improving immunity. General principles are difficult to enumerate, since in individual cases an individual course of treatment is prescribed. Wipe the areas of the affected skin with therapeutic solutions, which will appoint a dermatologist, you need to regularly. Careful hygiene is also necessary. Folk remedies are best used not as a self-treatment, but as an addition to drugs prescribed by a doctor. Mushrooms that cause some types of lichen in humans can affect both humans and animals. Such forms of the disease can be transmitted from animals to humans. Most of the fungi are anthropophilous, they affect only people. In rare cases, there are geophysical pathogens that a person can get infected with in contact with the soil.

types of lichen in man
The key factor of infection is deprived - failure inimmune defense of the body. The causative agent gets a chance to start multiplying on the surface of the skin, feeding on the keratin contained in it. Different types of lichen in humans have different symptoms. They depend on the type of pathogen, as well as on the response of the human body to its vital functions. Such kinds of depriving people, like shingles or pink, are caused by viruses. They can stay in the body for a long time and start multiplying only after the immunity is weakened.

Pink zigira

This disease is characterized by the appearance ofpeeling pink or light brown spots on the skin. Their size is from two to three millimeters to several centimeters. Modern science has not yet established the exact cause of its occurrence - there are only assumptions. Some of them connect the appearance of this depriving with viruses. The disease is accompanied by a weak itch of the skin. The spots most often appear on the sides, shoulders, abdomen, back. This type of lichen passes independently, there is no need to treat it with specific drugs. A dermatologist can prescribe an antihistamine if there is severe itching, and also recommend limiting the duration of water procedures, the use of cosmetics. If you do not scratch the spots on the skin, then in six to eight weeks they will pass.

types of lichen in man

Ringworm or trichophytosis

This type of disease often affects children.He has a high contagiousness, and a child attending children's groups can get them with a high probability. This requires a fairly long contact with the carrier of the disease. The spots of this deprivation appear on the head, the skin peels off on them, and the hair becomes thin. There is a slight itching. Treatment includes isolation, shaving of hair, treatment of affected areas with antifungal agents (iodine, special ointments - sulfur-tar or sulfur-salicylic), as well as taking medications inside.

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