/ / Endocervicitis: what is it? Causes, Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

Endocervicitis: what is it? Causes, Symptoms and Methods of Treatment

Lesions of the cervical canal - a problemquite common. So why does endocervicitis occur, what is it and what are its symptoms? What methods does modern medicine use to treat the disease? These questions are of interest to many women.

Endocervicitis: what is it and why does it occur?

endocervicitis what is it

This disease is accompanied by the defeat and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. In fact, there are many factors, the impact of which can provoke endocervicitis.

  • Causes of the disease are often hidden in the defeat of the reproductive system of an infection. In particular, the inflammation often develops against the background of gonorrhea and chlamydia.
  • On the other hand, endocervicitis can be causedtraumas of the cervix. For example, the cause may be incorrect installation of the intrauterine device, diagnostic scraping of the uterus, sounding, artificial termination of pregnancy, damage caused by pregnancy or childbirth.
  • In addition, the hormonal background is also important. Sometimes the disease occurs against the background of improper intake of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Some other diseases of the reproductive system are among the risk factors. Endocervicitis is often associated with erosion of the cervix, endometritis, colpitis, the vagina.

Endocervicitis: photos and symptoms

Quite often the first stages of the disease occurwithout any visible signs. Some women notice the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge - they can be both mucous and purulent, depending on the nature and causes of the inflammatory process.

endocervicitis photo

In the future, there are other symptoms.In particular, some patients complain of itching and burning in the area of ​​the vulva and vagina. Often endocervicitis is associated with aching, blunt pain in the lower abdomen - their intensity also depends on the severity and form of the disease.

Endocervicitis is perfectly visible during gynecological examination - the doctor notices swelling and redness of the cervix, the presence of small areas of erosion, the presence of purulent discharge.

Chronic endocervicitis: what is it and what is it dangerous?

In the absence of treatment, the acute form of the diseasequickly turns into a chronic. Symptoms become almost invisible, as a result of which women decide not to consult a doctor, perceiving an improvement in the condition for a complete recovery.

К сожалению, хронический воспалительный процесс much more dangerous than the acute form of the disease. Its result is a change and thickening of the muscular tissues of the cervix, which affects the reproductive function of the body. In addition, over time, the infection can spread to other organs, leading to inflammation of the peritoneum, uterine tissues and ovaries.

Endocervicitis: what is it and how to treat it?

cause endocervicitis

Of course, first of all it is necessary to find outcause of the disease and eliminate it. Since most of the inflammation is a consequence of the activity of pathogenic microorganisms, laboratory tests are conducted to help determine which infection became the cause and to which drugs it is sensitive.

When bacterial endocervicitis are used,respectively, antibacterial agents - these can be vaginal ointments, suppositories, or tablets. Betadine, Gipalgin and Terzhinan are considered very effective. If the inflammation is caused by the activity of fungi, then for the treatment apply the drug "Diflucan", "Fluconazole", "Mikosist". In addition, after therapy, it is necessary to normalize the vaginal microflora - patients are prescribed acylact or Vaginorm suppositories. In some cases, conduct additional immunotherapy.

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