Lishay is a very serious skin disease,which is most often characterized by the appearance of nodular formations that cause severe and intolerable itching. In addition, inflammation and tissue necrosis may occur. Therefore, it is very important to determine the incubation period of depriving a person in order to minimize the possible consequences of this disease in time.
Usually this disease is transmitted from the sickanimal or man - healthy. The most common method of transmission of the disease is contact-household. They are also often infected by touching sick animals, using objects that have been touched by an infected person, or visiting shared sites.
When an infected person or animal is affectedany objects, on them there are their particles of a skin or hair. They can remain viable for a very long time. Epidemics can result, for example in school and preschool institutions. Above all, the danger of contracting a virus is raised in the spring and autumn months.
Most susceptible to infection with these cutaneousdisease patients whose immunity is reduced, who work with glove-free earth, with cracks and microdamages on the skin. And also if they are in prolonged contact with diseased animals or humans.
The incubation period of ringworm in humansis from one to two days to one and a half to two months. The rate of development of this fungal infection directly depends on which particular pathogen appeared in the human body.
It's one thing if it's a superficial infection.In this case, the incubation period depriving a person of not more than a week. The first symptoms should appear on the 5th-6th day after contact with the causative agent of the disease.
Ringworm of a different kind, for exampleinfiltrative-suppuration, may not manifest itself even for several months. In this case, it is often not possible to determine when the infection occurred.
Lishy affects any areas of human skin,but most often the disease develops on the head. In this case, if the patient has a large amount of hair, the first signs of infection can pass unnoticed.
Worry should be if the hair is not objectivecauses start to break down and fall out. And also there is peeling and intolerable itching. The focus of inflammation of the infection begins to appear 7-10 days after infection.
As a rule, after the incubationperiod depriving a person, several foci of sufficiently large size are formed. A rash and suppuration is formed around them. Moreover, the hair falls out even more, and the ends are covered with a characteristic gray coating.
If the lichen appears on the human body, then it is even easier to detect it. On the back, arms, legs or chest appear skin swelling, in color they can be pink or red.
If you have a nail plate hit with a fungus, it will eventually become turbid, rough and rough and even begin to crumble.
In the most sad version, with chronicthe disease, the hair falls out strongly, noticeable bald spots are formed, the itching does not stop. The shape of the spots can vary, most often they produce a sugary smell.
With infiltrative-suppuration form of infectionmay develop fever, weakness, lymph nodes increase throughout the body. Also this form is accompanied by a migraine. This is one of the heaviest forms. The number of lesions can be several dozen.
One of the most common waysget infected from depriving - to catch it from animals. The transporter is often homeless cats. Therefore, it is important to remember how the lichen is transmitted. The incubation period in the disease is very long, and it is very difficult to start treatment in time.
Symptoms are extremely unpleasant, andhealed quickly and without consequences, as a rule, fails. At the infection site appear bald spots, a mandatory condition - a strong hair loss. But you can get infected with any, even the slightest contact with the animal. The main thing is not to take this disease for severe dandruff, and in the early stages they are very similar. Fascinated by the treatment of dandruff, you can seriously run the herpes.
The incubation period is depriving a person of the catinfected, can be several weeks. Therefore, it is best to completely exclude communication and contact with homeless animals. Or if you decide to take the animal into the house from the street, then before you bring it to the apartment, visit the vet. The specialist will be able to orient you, whether the cat has lichen or other diseases, prescribes the necessary preparations for the animal, and you, and family members.
Extremely unpleasant disease - feline. In humans, the incubation period is large, so the disease is usually triggered, and then they pay for their carelessness for a long time.
Not only cats and other animals are becomingcarriers depriving. Every person has a serious danger of becoming infected with the pink deer Zhibera. This is a dermatological disease that has the character of an allergic one. The causative agent is most often a specific herpes virus.
This disease usually manifests itself after seriouscatarrhal diseases. And any - from ARVI and flu to the diseases of the throat and ears. Usually the development of pink lichen coincides with the active phase of the catarrhal disease.
Recognize this type of lichen is easy.On the skin there are spots and numerous rashes. Especially it should be feared by people with weakened immunity. At the same time for those around this version of lichen is usually not contagious. The incubation period of pink lichen in a man is from two days to three weeks.
Another type of lichen is shingles.Its causative agent is also the herpes virus. And the concrete is the Zoster. It can be distinguished by the location of skin lesions. They correspond to the location of nerve trunks in humans.
The most serious problem is thatThe incubation period of herpes zoster in a human can reach several decades. In this case, even if a person is a carrier of a virus, he may not be exposed to it. Most often this disease occurs in mature and elderly people. In medicine, there is no case of infection in children under 10 years old.
This type of lichen is not distributedairborne droplets. You can catch the virus only with close and direct contact. Particularly cautious is to be people who have not had chicken pox in childhood.
The main goal of lichen treatment isdestruction of the pathogen. This is achieved with the help of local therapy. It includes regular intake of antifungal drugs, in especially severe cases, a specialist can prescribe special hormones that help the body fight the virus. Also used are multivitamins, iron and phytin preparations, injections of aloe extract.
At home, it is recommended to treat affected skin with a 5% iodine solution, apply antifungal creams and ointments.
Lishay is a disease that can and should be prevented. For effective prevention it is necessary to conduct regular examination of all family members for the appearance of the first signs.
A sick person should be immediately isolated, and permanent disinfection of his belongings and supplies should be carried out.
After visiting public toilets and otherplaces of mass use to wash hands thoroughly, take a shower every day, do not use other people's personal hygiene items - combs, underwear. Do not contact with homeless animals.