/ / The healing properties of horse chestnut, used in medicine

The healing properties of horse chestnut, used in medicine

Каштан - дерево листопадное семейства буковых, which pleases us in the spring with its beautiful flowering. There are ten species of this plant that can be found not only in areas with a temperate and warm climate, which it prefers. Chestnut grows in both East Asia and the Mediterranean. He does not like wood only dry, as well as swampy areas.

healing properties of chestnut horse
A wild, or horse, chestnut is considered a European culture since the sixteenth century. The plant serves as a magnificent decoration of many parks and parks in various European cities.

Конский каштан, кроме своего декоративного use, is used in the treatment of many diseases. Homeopathic preparations, the basis of which is this plant, are designed to get rid of many pathologies. These drugs can have antithrombotic, venotonizing and analgesic effects on the human body. Pharmaceutical industry also produces a considerable list of medicines, which are based on a medicinal plant. A horse chestnut is found in folk medicine.

horse chestnut in medicine
Means made from a medicinal plant,help with diarrhea and malaria, bronchitis and uterine bleeding, high gastric acidity and vasospasms. Preparations containing horse chestnut can alleviate the condition of patients suffering from tuberculosis and gastritis, violation of bile secretion and neuralgia. Recommended funds, the basis of which is horse chestnut, with venous stasis. They also help with thrombophlebitis of a chronic nature.

Лечебные свойства каштана конского заключены в its fruits, flowers, leaves, and also the bark. Often used and mature seeds of the plant. To eliminate various pathologies, it is recommended to drink juice squeezed from the flowers of the healing tree.

horse chestnut in folk medicine
Horse chestnut in medicine finds its applicationthanks to the glycosides present in its composition (escin and esculin). These substances slow down the coagulability of the blood and reduce its viscosity. From the fruits of wild horse chestnut, as well as from the bark of the tree and its leaves, the pharmacological industry produces the drug "Escuzan". It is recommended for stagnant phenomena in the veins, as well as for the expansion of venous blood flow in the lower limbs. The drug "Esflazid", which contains flavonoids and escin, is available in the form of tablets. It is recommended for thrombophlebitis and phlebitis. Dragee "Anvenol" also includes a horse chestnut. It is recommended for pathological phenomena in veins.

Лечебные свойства каштана конского используются for getting rid of varicose veins. Infusions and extracts from a medicinal plant are considered to be the most effective venotonic agents. They are included in many drugs recommended for hemorrhoids and endarteritis. Contribute to these funds and the healing of trophic ulcers that appeared on the tibia as a result of varicose veins.

The healing properties of horse chestnut are usedfor intestinal therapy. Especially effective decoction of the cortex in pathologies that are chronic and inflammatory. To the list of such diseases it is possible to carry difficultly removable diarrhea, spleen ailments, as well as disorders in the bile compartment. The healing properties of horse chestnut are used when eliminating the pathologies of the nasal sinuses. Preparations from the bark, leaves and fruits of the healing tree are recommended for shortness of breath and gout, rheumatism and uterine bleeding, as well as for arthritis.

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