/ / Preparation "Cefekon" (candles for children): instruction

The drug "Cefekon" (candles for children): instruction

For parents, the biggest disaster isillness of the child. If the kid is sick, if he has a fever and aching muscles, doctors prescribe him a fever-reducing analgesic "Cefekon". Candles for children are described as one of the most effective dosage forms.

Pharmacological action of this medicinelies in the influence of it directly on the centers of pain and thermoregulation. Paracetamol - the main active substance of the drug - does not have any negative effect on the water-salt metabolism of the body, and does not affect the mucous membrane of the duodenum and stomach. The medicine is quickly absorbed into the blood, and literally half an hour after ingestion its largest concentration in the plasma is observed.

This non-narcotic substance is released in the form of candles, which is preferable for babies. Parents who apply candles "Cefekon" for children, reviews about the drug leave only positive.


The drug "Cefekon" (candles for children) the instruction advises to apply from 3 months and up to 11-12 years.

As an antipyretic, this medicine is prescribed foracute respiratory infections, childhood infections, influenza, with the reactions of the child's body to the introduction of various vaccines and other conditions with high body temperature.

As an analgesic, it is used whenvarious pain sensations of a weak or moderate nature. It can be a dental or headache, neuralgia, pain with burns and trauma, pain in the muscles.

Children from 1 to 3 months to reduce the high temperature is allowed only once taking this medication and strictly under the supervision of a doctor


To apply the medicine "Cefekon" (candles for children)the instruction recommends after carrying out a cleansing enema or after the intestines are cleaned spontaneously. Candles are injected into the rectum. The dose of the drug is calculated in accordance with the body weight of the child and his age. The maximum dose per day is 60 mg / kg, single dose is not less than 10-15 mg per kilogram of weight. On the day of the drug is administered 3-4 times at the same time intervals.

In total, the treatment course for lowering the child's body temperature lasts 3 days, for pain relief - 5 days. Further extension of treatment should be agreed with the pediatrician.

Side effects

The drug "Cefekon" (candles for children) instruction notes some side effects.

On the part of the digestive system, in some cases, one can observe nausea, vomiting, irritation or inflammation of the rectum.

Rarely, but there are symptoms of anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.

Also, allergic manifestations are possible in the form of rash, itching, hives, and Quincke's edema.

With prolonged use of the drug in high doses, hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects may occur.


The drug "Cefekon" (candles forchildren) the instruction does not advise to apply at diseases of a liver and kidneys, and also at the raised sensitivity to components of a preparation, in particular, to paracetamol.

special instructions

Especially careful use of the drug in the treatment of patients with Gilbert syndrome.

With prolonged use of the drug "Cefekon" forchildren need regular medical supervision, as well as periodic monitoring of laboratory indicators-the picture of peripheral blood and liver status.


Signs of acute drug poisoningcan be expressed in the form of stomach pain, vomiting, nausea, sweating and pallor of the skin. After two days, liver damage is detected. In severe cases, coma may occur in a child, kidney failure or encephalopathy may develop. Therefore, at the first signs of an overdose, immediately stop using candles and begin symptomatic therapy.

Terms and conditions of storage

The medicine must be stored inaccessible to children, in a dry, cool place for no more than 2 years.

The drug is dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

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