/ / Drug "Ketonal" (injections): instructions for use

Ketonal preparation (injections): instructions for use

Ketonal medicine (injections)application defines as a means of possessing anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, analgesic properties. The active ingredient is ketoprofen, which belongs to the NSAID.

ketonal injections instructions for use
Pharmacological activity

The drug blocks prostaglandins E2, slows downsynthesis of bradykinin, inhibits the action of cyclooxygenase, normalizes lysosomal membranes. Due to this, a high anti-inflammatory activity is achieved, which consists in reducing the manifestations of inflammatory pathologies and providing a stable analgesic effect.

Indications for the prescription of Ketonal

Injections (instructions for use about thistestifies) is prescribed during treatment of arthritis (reactive, rheumatoid, psoriatic), gout, bursitis, tendinitis, spondyloarthritis. Also injections of the drug are made for algodismenore in case of pain syndrome, after injuries, operations.

Composition and form of the Ketonal drug (injections)

The instruction for use contains information oncomposition of the medicine. The solution for injections is released in ampoules of 2 ml. In 1 ml the active substance - ketoprofen - is contained in an amount of 50 mg. Auxiliary components of the solution are benzyl alcohol, water, sodium hydroxide, propylene glycol.

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Mode of application

Use medicament should be 1-2 times a dayone ampule (100 mg). Along with injections, if necessary, Ketonal medication can be prescribed in other forms. The injections instruction advises to supplement with the reception of tablets or suppositories. Intravenously, the drug is administered only under steady-state conditions, while infusions can be continuous or intermittent. In the first case, 100-200 mg (1-2 ampoules) of the drug are diluted in 500 ml of saline or glucose solution. The introduction is carried out for 8 hours, then the infusion can be repeated. Intermittent - carried out for 0.5-1 hour. Pre-100-200 mg of Ketonal (1-2 ampoules) are diluted in 100 ml of saline. After 8 hours, the administration can also be repeated. If there are severe pain, you can use the drug in conjunction with narcotic analgesics.

Side effects

Rarely causes a negative drug phenomenonKetonal (injections). Reviews assure that if side effects occur, they pass very quickly. Patients sometimes experience dyspeptic disorders (stool, nausea, tenderness in the epigastric region). Some people have headaches, dizziness. In rare cases, thrombocytopenia and anemia may develop. In turn, thrombocytopenia can provoke bleeding from the nose, the appearance of petechial rash, the formation of bruising.

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Contraindications to the use of Ketonal (injections). Price of the preparation

In case of intolerance to ketoprofen or otheravailable in the components, with intolerance of salicylates, it is forbidden to prescribe the Ketonal medication. Do not use the medication during periods of carrying the baby and breastfeeding. Also, do not prescribe a remedy to patients before the age of fourteen. The price of the drug in different pharmacies varies on average from 200 to 240 rubles.

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