/ / "Nice," what is it? Application

"Nice," what is it? Application

A wide range of pain medication allowsfor a short period of time get rid of bad health. It is very important not only to remove or muffle the symptoms of the disease, but also to remove its causes once and for all. It is to such drugs and include tablets "Nice" ("Nyz").

"Nice" - what is this preparation?

So, consider this drug.Answering the question ("Nice" - what is this?), We can say that this is a tablet preparation of a wide spectrum of action. It helps not only to disguise the cause of the illness or malaise, but also completely eliminate it. It has a wide anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic effect.

Tablets Nize
It is noteworthy that it does not cause any addiction, and therefore is a non-narcotic analgesic.

The "Nice" tablets are accepted in many cases, such as:

  1. All kinds of pain: headache, muscle, menstrual and even dental.
  2. Heat.
  3. Pain of muscles and joints.
  4. Osteochondrosis.
  5. Radiculitis.
  6. Rheumatism of joints.
  7. Various inflammatory processes in the body.

Applying this drug, it is necessary to take into account the fact,that in itself he can not cope with pathologies, but only lowers the temperature, removes painful sensations. Therefore, for more effective treatment, it is required to use it in combination with other drugs prescribed by the doctor.

Composition, contraindications

A wide range of action of this drugis due to the content in its composition of a substance such as nimesulide. It is known (nimesulide in the composition "Nice") that this substance is able to exert antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory action.

The substance content in the preparation is different, it all depends on its dosage - 50 mg or 100 mg.

nais what is it

In addition to this substance, the composition of the medicine iscorn starch, talc, calcium hydrophosphate, etc., which have an auxiliary effect in eliminating symptoms. As with any drug, the "Nice" tablets have a list of contraindications. For example, it is impossible to drink it to women during pregnancy and lactation.

Also, its use is not recommended for:

  • diseases and bleeding from the area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract;
  • clear renal failure;
  • intolerance to aspirin;
  • intolerance of substances, of which the drug consists;
  • infections of the skin (dermatitis, eczema, etc.).


Take the drug is necessary by instruction or by prescription of the doctor to avoid the occurrence of side effects.

what does it mean

Take the pill after eating, drink downa lot of water. Use during meals or before meals can provoke unpleasant sensations in the stomach, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, diarrhea, erosion, ulcers, dizziness, pain, skin rashes.

The use of this drug for children over 12 years and adults is permitted. For children under 3 years of age, suspension can be used, and for water from 3 to 12 years - water-soluble tablets "Nice".

Use the drug recommended every 12hours, that is, no more than 2 tablets per day. When allowing the doctor to increase the dosage, care should be taken to ensure that the interval between taking the tablets is at least 6 hours.

Form release, storage and interaction with other drugs

Produced the drug "Nice" in several forms,namely in the form of tablets, as well as in the form of a gel (ointment), a suspension. Tablets have a different dosage, which is prescribed strictly according to the doctor's recommendations. The quantity in the package also varies from 20 to 100 pieces, depending on the duration of the course of admission. For small children, the product is available as a suspension.

Gel "Nice" is available in tubes with a volume of 20 or 50ml. Store these medicines in a dry place at room temperature. Shelf life of tablet preparations is no more than 3 years, the gel is stored for about 2 years.

Care should be taken to ensure compatibility with other drugs. You should notify your doctor if you are taking any of the following:

  1. Diuretics.
  2. Drugs aimed at lowering blood pressure.
  3. Drugs that increase blood glucose levels.
  4. Medicines that dilute blood.

The admission of these drugs in conjunction with the reception of "Nice" can enhance their effect.

What does the name "Nice" mean?

The meaning of the word "nais" can be interpretedin different ways, depending on the context in which it is used. In the Russian language, there is no such word, so it is borrowed from another language. However, its use is widespread in the colloquial speech of adolescents.

The literal translation from English of the word "nice"will mean "cute, beautiful, good." On the other hand, it is the approval of something or the expression of obvious sympathy, solidarity. That's what "nais" means, the borrowed word.

the meaning of the word nais

However, there is one more meaning for this word."Nice" is a computer utility, that is, a program used in a certain process. In our case, under the name of "Nice" tablets, it was meant that after its application a positive effect will be felt, the state of health will improve.

Answering the question posed at the beginning of the article("nais" - what is this?), you can in most cases get the answer: "Nice" is a broad-spectrum medical product whose main purpose is to reduce many types of pain, lower body temperature, anti-inflammatory effect.

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