/ / Healing lemon: useful properties of fruit, composition and application

Healing lemon: useful properties of fruit, composition and application

Lemon - its useful properties are due to the high content of vitamins, minerals and essential elements for the body.

Lemon is citric acid and water.But, in addition to them, it also contains the most important vitamins and trace elements. Most of all it contains vitamin C, but there are also D, A, B1 and B2, and vitamin P (citrine). In terms of its chemical composition, it is a complex phenolic compound with healing properties and high biological activity. The fruit is rich in mineral salts, flavonoids, which possess anti-cancer and antioxidant qualities. It is this combination of a huge number of useful substances that makes lemon a unique and valuable product, an effective medicine and the basis for many cosmetic preparations.

So, how useful is the lemon to the body?

Lemon: useful properties in the treatment and prevention of diseases

In folk medicine, the fruits of lemon are used infresh form, and in the form of juices, jams and syrups. They are used for various diseases of the stomach (gastritis with low acidity), liver (jaundice and hepatitis), biliary tract diseases (gallstones and cholecystitis), joint or muscle pains (sciatica, neuralgia of different etiology, radiculitis, myositis, gout and others), cardiovascular problems.

The fruit has an antibacterial property. Therefore, for rinsing with tonsillitis, inflammatory diseases of the mucous pharynx and mouth, citrus juice, diluted in water, is also useful.

With leg cramps, lubrication effectively helpssoles of feet with lemon juice, it does not need to be wiped, and after complete drying, wear socks. Do this in the morning and evening. The course of treatment is not more than two weeks.

The lemon peeled in sugar is used to improve digestion. In addition, the use of lemon juice facilitates constipation.

Freshly squeezed fruit juice is useful to lubricate the throat diphtheria raids three times a day. You can still cut a piece of lemon and suck it, repeating it several times a day.

With a cold or other diseases of the respiratory system and with fever, tea with lemon is an excellent remedy.

Healing properties of lemons are also used in the treatment of wounds, scurvy, lung diseases and febrile palpitations.

With pain in the biliary tract, which is accompanied by nausea or heaviness due to eating fatty foods, you need to drink the juice of half a lemon with half dissolved in tsp. soda.

Modern medicine uses lemon widely.Useful properties of it are used for the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with avitaminosis or hypoavitaminosis. Vitamins contained in lemon have effective antitoxic, anti-inflammatory (increase the resistance of the vascular capillaries), antisclerotic properties. Lemon is recommended as a dietetic remedy for intoxication, with various infectious, therapeutic, and surgical diseases, in order to strengthen the defenses of the body, for the treatment of inflammatory diseases and the prevention of atherosclerosis.

This citrus fruit also facilitates toothache, Bleeding gums can be stopped by gum massage with lemon juice. Another fruit helps with bad smell from the mouth.

Lemon juice can also be taken as an external medicine for fungal skin diseases.

Lemon: useful properties for cosmetology

Lemon juice fights with dandruff. It is effective in hair loss and other problems with hair and scalp.

Is the lemon useful in fighting calluses? Yes, for this purpose, you need to steam your foot before going to sleep and tie the crust with the pulp to the corn. Repeat for 3 days, then re-heat the leg and remove gently the corn.

Lemon juice - a natural antiseptic, so hehelps to eliminate many skin problems. Useful juice with sunburn, eczema, acne, stings of bees. And a lemon, its useful properties are used against aging of the skin, to eliminate acne and wrinkles. Drinking mixed with water lemon juice improves the complexion.

All these properties of useful fruit make it an indispensable product.

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