/ / "Cavinton": instruction, contraindications, description

"Cavinton": instruction, contraindications, description

The international name of the drug is "Cavinton" - "Vinpocetine". It is this substance that is active in this medication.

In what form is Cavinton sold?

The description says that two options are possible:

• White tablets.On the tablets there is a median facet, on one side there is an engraved inscription: "CAVINTON". In addition to vinpocetine, tablets contain talc, anhydrous silica, magnesium stearate, starch, lactose. The medicine is sold in blisters for 25 tablets. Each tablet contains 5 g of vinpocetine.

• Concentrated infusion solution.It is a clear greenish solution, packaged in 2 mg ampoules. Besides it, sorbitol, ascorbic and tartaric acid, benzyl alcohol, and other ingredients are included.

• Cavinton Forte contains 10 mg of active ingredient (Vinpocetine) in a tablet with beveled edges, labeled "10 mg". On the reverse side is cut the risk.

What diseases do Cavinton prescribe?

The instructions say that the drug is intendedto enhance brain metabolism and blood circulation, enhances the brain's absorption of such a substance as glucose, normalizes the rheological properties of the blood.

Without affecting the change in blood pressure,Vinpocetine increases the amount of blood entering the brain, reduces the resistance of blood vessels, thereby stimulating oxygen to the brain. The drug reduces blood viscosity, transports oxygen to the tissues.

For the treatment of any diseases used "Kavinton"?

The instruction recommends it for the treatment of neurological, ophthalmic, ENT diseases.

In neurology, Vinpocetine is prescribed during the treatment of conditions caused by a lack of cerebral circulation, the effects of strokes, and encephalopathies of various origins.

Apply the drug "Kavinton" instruction recommends for getting rid of dizziness, aphasia, speech and motor disorders, atherosclerosis, memory disorders, and some other brain disorders.

In ophthalmology, the drug saves from retinal or eye retinal angiospasm, thrombosis, glaucoma, and embolism.

No less useful is "Cavinton" (the instruction confirms this) for the treatment of Meniere's disease, impairment of hearing, and dizziness.

Gynecologists use Vinpocetine for the prevention of vasovegetative disorders associated with the onset of menopause.

Does Cavinton have side effects? Unfortunately, drugs that do not give side effects, does not yet exist.

After taking the drug "Cavinton" instructionspeaks about it quite clearly, arrhythmia may appear or increase, vomiting, dry mouth, heartburn, nausea. Often the appearance of skin rash, skin flushing. Dizziness or headache is much less common.

If side effects are manifested, the drug can not be canceled abruptly: its dose drops to zero within 3 days.

Like many other medicines, Cavintoncontraindicated in pregnant and lactating people sensitive to the ingredients of the drug. Since its reception can cause dizziness or a decrease in the severity of the reaction, “Cavinton” is prescribed with great caution to drivers, pilots, and other persons whose work is connected with the need for high concentration of attention.

If you do not follow the specific instructions of the doctor, "Kavinton" take 10 mg three times a day. The duration of treatment, which is on average 4 months, can be reduced to 1 month or extended to eight.

The solution is administered only drip, intravenously. It is not intended for intramuscular injections. The daily dose rarely exceeds 20 mg of vinpocetine in solution for infusion.

"Kavinton" produced in Hungary. But this drug has its domestic counterparts. Vinpocetine and Vero-Vinpocetine are produced in Russia.

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