![pentaflucin instructions for use](/images/zdorove/protivovospalitelnoe-i-zharoponizhayushee-lekarstvo-pentaflucin-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu.jpg)
Agent Pentaflucin instructions for useis a combined preparation with antioxidant properties and a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antipyretic effect. In addition, this medicine has on the patient's body a characteristic analgesic, antihistamine, hypnotic and sedative effect. At the same time, the combined preparation "Pentaflucin", the price of which is about one hundred and ten rubles, is based on the inhibition of the synthesis of prostaglandins and stimulation of the thermoregulatory center in the hypothalamus. The use of this anti-inflammatory and analgesic means can reduce the fragility and permeability of capillaries, normalize carbohydrate metabolism and oxidation-reduction processes, increase the body's resistance and activate the process of tissue regeneration.
![pentaflucine price](/images/zdorove/protivovospalitelnoe-i-zharoponizhayushee-lekarstvo-pentaflucin-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu_2.jpg)
As for the form of antipyretic preparationof the preparation Pentaflucin (instructions for use are always included in the kit), it is usually produced in the form of granules, which are intended for the preparation of a solution for subsequent ingestion. The composition of this anti-inflammatory drug necessarily includes ascorbic acid, paracetamol and diphenhydramine. In addition, a small amount contains a substance such as rutin.
Use a combined product"Pentaflucin" instructions for use, mainly recommends that to reduce high body temperature in a variety of diseases that are infectious-inflammatory. For example, it is very effective to take this antipyretic and antioxidant medication for colds. The treatment scheme is as follows: one package of the drug three to four times a day for three to five days. Especially it should be emphasized that before taking the medication directly, you must necessarily dissolve it in a small amount of hot water. Use only a freshly prepared solution is recommended.
![pentaflucine reviews](/images/zdorove/protivovospalitelnoe-i-zharoponizhayushee-lekarstvo-pentaflucin-instrukciya-po-primeneniyu_3.jpg)
Take anti-inflammatory and pain medicationdrug Pentaflucin an instruction for use prohibits people who suffer from an allergic reaction to paracetamol, as well as to all those who are hypersensitive to any of its other components. From the reception of this combination drug should be abandoned and in the case of severe disorders in the work of the kidney or liver. People with blood diseases associated with predisposition to hemorrhage, likewise, should not use antipyretic "Pentaflucin". Reviews of doctors and patients also indicate the extreme undesirability of its use during the carrying out of a child or feeding a newborn baby. With great care it is necessary to use this antihistamine and anesthetic drug in Gilbert's syndrome. In addition, the list of relative contraindications includes age up to sixteen years.