Chamomile Pharmacy - an annual plant withsmall pleasant to the smell of flowers. It has a straight stem up to 50 cm in length. The taste of the plant is sharp and bitter. From May to the end of the summer, the period of flowering chamomile. Photo of the culture can be found in the directory of medicinal plants. This unpretentious plant, and you can meet it everywhere: in meadows, fields, pastures.
In what cases and how is the plant used?
Chamomile pharmacy is recommended to use inside with the following diseases:
Ромашка обладает исцеляющим действием и снимает symptoms of colds. Use inhalation and steam baths for chronic colds, acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa. When stomatitis tincture of chamomile lubricate the mouth and gums. Tea with grass and inhalation is used for influenza, mouth rinsing - with angina.
Чтобы приготовить целебный отвар, необходимо flowers of chamomile (enough tablespoons) to brew in 200-250 g of boiling water. After you need to insist a little grass, drain and take 3 times a day to 5 tablespoons at a time. For rinses of the oral cavity or enemas, the broth is prepared in the same way. Keep the medicine in a cold place for no more than one day.
Chamomile: useful properties and contraindications
The plant has a wide application due to its useful qualities. Chamomile pharmacy has such useful effects:
A lot of medicinal properties have chamomile pharmacy. Contraindications of plants are insignificant, and to them it is necessary to carry:
При приеме ромашки следует быть осторожными и не overdose. Excessive consumption of the plant can lead to outbursts of anger, irritability, headache, central nervous system depression and weakness.
In official and folk medicine, cosmetologyDrug is widely used. Useful properties and contraindications of this plant are well known to those skilled in the art. Therefore, before using a camomile for medical purposes, you should consult a doctor.