/ / What for at birth injuries appoint a remedy "Pantogam" for newborns?

What for at birth traumas appoint a remedy "Pantogam" for newborns?

Birth injuries of the cervical spineoccur in babies quite often at birth. Pathology can not be named, and there is nothing terrible in this if the treatment is started on time. The main thing - do not run the disease, otherwise there may be problems with which the baby's organism alone can hardly cope. Problems these moms may not notice on time, but a qualified neurologist will definitely determine them. One of the most common drugs prescribed in such cases is Pantogam for newborns. This is a fairly harmless remedy.

Some deviations from normal development inthe child is usually noticed by an experienced nursing sister, coming to a routine examination at home. Mom and herself can test some of the innate reflexes, which, first of all, you need to pay attention to. For example, how hard the kid grasps at the finger, which the mother puts in his pen. Another important reflex, which can not be ignored, is checked on the legs. The kid should firmly hold on to the hand that was set by his mother.

If these reflexes are weakened, you need to immediatelyconsult a doctor who may prescribe Pantogam for newborns in the treatment complex, because it is important to reduce the increased muscle tone in time. When the cervical spine is damaged, the brain cannot correctly send signals, motor disturbances appear, often accompanied by torticollis, and the muscle tone is noticeably increased. But these muscles do not have time to grow and do not allow the child to physically develop properly. If you do not start treatment in time, serious pathologies may arise that will subsequently be much more difficult or even impossible to cope with.

Before prescribing treatment (the same "Pantogam"for newborns), special studies should be carried out. The baby through the fontanel to examine the ultrasound in the brain, as well as the cervical region of the spine. And only then doctors put the final diagnosis and prescribe a treatment that will last a long time, usually several months.

The medicine "Pantogam" for a newborn is prescribed,if changes in development are minor. At serious infringements the doctor can write out injections "Korteksin" or "Cerebralizin". And if hypoxia is also observed, then the medication "Actovegin" can be supplemented. In this case, injections of Cortexin and Actovegin are given every other day.

In addition to medicines, (even in simple cases, whentreatment can only contain the drug "Pantogam"), it is very useful for newborns to undergo physiotherapy and massage. A good experienced masseur can perform miracles with a supple child body. Only it is necessary to worry about the reviews and inquire about the qualifications of the person who trusts the baby.

Another very effective procedure -electrophoresis of the cervical spine, which is usually carried out by courses for quite a long time. During treatment, the child should regularly be examined by a neurologist to monitor the dynamics of improvement and, if necessary, change the treatment. For example, injections can be replaced by the drug "Pantogam." For children, the dosage, of course, will be quite small, and they are usually prescribed this medicine in the form of a syrup.

Almost drug "Pantogam" is harmless.The only serious contraindication is acute (severe) kidney disease, which itself is a contraindication for most drugs. Therefore, the drug "Pantogam" in the form of syrup can be assigned to the baby almost from the first days of life.

The drug exhibits nootropic as wellanticonvulsant action, increasing resistance to brain hypoxia, counteracts the influence of toxic substances. Stimulating the anabolic process in neurons, the drug "Pantogam" reduces motor excitability, at the same time increasing mental and physical activity, but you should not give the drug yourself to your child. Only a doctor should prescribe it.

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