Forms of production and composition of the preparation "Influcid ": The instruction informs that this homeopathic remedy is released in two forms: tableted and liquid (droplets inside).
"Influcid" - homeopathic tablets forresorption: One tablet contains: aconite, gelmezyma, ipecacuanas - according to D3 25 mg, phosphorus - D5 25 mg, bryony - D2 25 mg, eupatorium - D1 25 mg; in the package - 60 pcs.
In a solution of "Influcid" in 100 grams of dropscontains: aconite, gelmezyma and ipecacuanas in D3 10 g, phosphorus - D5 10 g, bryony - D2 10 g, eupatorium - D1 10 g; packaged in 30 cm3 in bottles of dark glass.
Pharmacological properties: Medication "Influcid" instructioncalls a complex homeopathic drug. It includes six names of homeopathic monopreparations, which are effectively treated in cases of acute respiratory infections accompanied by severe symptoms (for example, influenza).
Aconite is used at the beginning of the emergence of acuteinfections that are localized in the nasopharynx and bronchi. Bryony helps with acute rhinitis and, especially, bronchitis, which causes a painful dry, irritating cough. Ipecacoena dilutes the bronchial secret, which contributes to sputum expectoration. Substance gelmezine used in ARVI, rhinitis and inflammation of the paranasal sinuses with symptoms of pain in the head, pain in the limbs, weakness. Phosphorus is effective in exhaustion, neuralgia and headaches, manifested during an acute respiratory infection; increases the body's immunity. This composition enhances eupatorium - one of the main homeopathic elements that are used in cases of flu, respiratory infections accompanied by acute rhinitis and fever.
Indications for use Influcid: The instruction indicates the use of this drug for prophylactic purposes and treatment for influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.
Ways of using the drug Influcid: The instruction prescribes the use of tablets:in acute period of the disease, children under 12 years of age - 1 ton every 2 hours (not more than 8 per day) until the condition improves, then 1 ton in 3 doses per day until the final recovery.
Children who are more than 12 years old, with acute course - 1 ton every hour (not more than 12 tons per day) until the condition improves, then 1-2 tons a day - 3 meals a day before the final recovery.
In prophylactic purposes for the prevention of ARVIand influenza to children under the age of 12, the Influcid tablet recommends that you give 1 pc. in 3 divided doses per day; children who are more than 12 years old, give 1-2 t. - 3 doses per day. The medicine should be taken for ½ hour before or ½ hour after eating, putting in the mouth - slowly dissolve them.
Drops "Influcid" - instructions for use forIngestion: in the acute phase of the disease, give 10 drops / hour (but not more than 12 doses per day) to improve well-being, then - 10-20 drops - for three 3 doses per day until the final recovery. With a preventive purpose for the flu give 10-20 drops - in 3 divided doses per day. Drops should be taken for ½ hour before or ½ hour after meals; before swallowing, hold them for a while in the mouth.
Contraindications: increased reactivity to the ingredients of the agent. It is not recommended to give the drug in tablet form to babies less than 3 years old, due to insufficient information.
Side effects: possible manifestations of allergic reactions.
Special instructions: The use of homeopathic remedies can causetemporary exacerbation. In this case, it is better to stop taking the medication and consult a doctor. Since the composition of the drug includes wheat starch, the use of homeopathic remedy has a negative effect on patients with celiac disease.
Interactions: studies have not yet been established.
Overdose: no overdose data.
Influcid - reviews: About the drug reviews, in most cases,positive. To the merits of the medicine include: quickly removes the symptoms of cold and flu, is effective, both in treatment and prevention of influenza and ARVI, suitable for adults and young children, the drug - homeopathic, and therefore safe, it plays a big role for children . The big plus of this remedy is that it also helps when other medicines are not effective. A significant number of people who have experienced this drug consider it to be the No. 1 agent for influenza and colds, and recommend it for treatment and prevention.