/ Symptoms of thrush in women.

Symptoms of thrush in women.

Thrush is a fairly commonthe disease, the cause of which is Candida fungus, getting into the body by contact. In a healthy person, it practically does not multiply, since this process is hampered by useful microbes that are found on the skin and mucous membranes. But with the slightest weakening of immunity, the number of fungi starts to grow, which leads to the appearance of this disease. Symptoms of thrush in women may be mild and women may simply not notice that their body is affected by the disease. But the disease will not pass by itself, on the contrary, it can progress with redoubled force.

Here's what is the thrush, the symptoms, treatment and forms of the disease we'll look at below.

There are three forms of this ailment:

  • Candidateship.
  • Candidiasis.
  • Chronic candidiasis.

Depending on the degree of the disease, its signs can vary significantly.

Thrush. Symptoms in women.

In the first case, signs of candidiasis do not appear.It is not possible to identify the disease visually, it can be detected by examining a smear for the presence of fungus. This kind of course of the disease is dangerous because the risk of contracting an infection of the sexual partner or child during childbirth increases. That is why it is important to visit the gynecologist's office on a regular basis.

In the acute form of the disease can be felta burning sensation in the genital area, in the vagina, and also itching. Allocations become white in color, curdled. Often there is swelling of the mucous membrane of the vagina and a slight reddening. There may be pain during intercourse and urination.

If the disease has developed into a chronic form,then the symptoms of thrush in women can be observed for several months, then fading, then activating again. And the obvious signs of thrush can be expressed slightly.

All of the above symptoms of thrush in womencan arise separately or all together. Quite often the feeling of itching, accompanying the disease, deepens while wearing synthetic tight-fitting linen. After all, the fungi begin to multiply in a warm, moist environment. Symptoms of thrush in women usually increase after taking a bath (especially hot) and 7 days before the start of the menstrual cycle.

Quite often the disease occurs against the background ofhormonal changes caused by the violation of the menstrual cycle, pregnancy, the use of hormonal contraceptive agents and diabetes mellitus.


Modern medicine has a whole arsenal of effective drugs in the fight against candidiasis. To achieve the desired result, the course of treatment should be passed to both sexual partners.

Local treatment with tablets and candles is possible withmild form of thrush. With improper use of medicines, their effectiveness will be much lower. To prevent this, it is necessary, before the introduction of drugs to remove the curdled discharge, located in the vagina. In this case, the effect of the drug will increase. In the event that local treatment does not lead to the expected results, drugs prescribed for oral administration are prescribed.

It is believed that some types of pathogenicCandida fungus is meaningless to treat with candles and tablets alone. Despite the treatment, thrush can periodically remind of itself. The reason for this is the insensitivity of the pathogenic fungus to medicinal preparations. In this case, the doctor appointed a study to identify the sensitivity of thrush pathogens to antifungal agents.

The course and methods of treatment of thrush should be prescribed by a doctor.

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