Urticaria is a disease accompanied byformation of blisters on the surface of the skin. This disease in the modern world is diagnosed more often, so the issue of treating this disease becomes more urgent. Let's talk about how and how to treat hives.
There is an opinion that urticaria is allergicreaction to contact with certain substances. However, this is not quite true. Sometimes the underlying cause of the disease is autoimmune or false-allergic nature. Therefore, urticaria can not be considered an infectious disease, as is often thought.
Rashes are of various sizes: from very tiny points to giant spots that can merge into a single whole.
The acute form of urticaria lasts several days, andthe extent of the disease is not less than 6 weeks. Acute hives can pass into the chronic course of the disease or into a recurring form. In this case, the rashes are transformed into papules that accompany the strongest itching.
There are several types of disease. Let us consider each of them in detail.
The disease manifests itself after overheating, in particular when visiting the bath. It manifests itself in the form of small in size elevations on the skin.
Factor capable of provoking this speciesdisease, is a great burden. At the same time, blood vessels can swell, a specific (wheezing) breathing appears, and possibly a sharp drop in blood pressure.
This type of disease develops as a result ofirritation of the skin by mechanical action, for example, a provocateur may become a vibration. There is a malaise in the form of small linear elevations on the site affected by the lesion.
It can be formed under the influence of sunlight. The attack occurs a few hours after the person has gone into the shadows.
In the process of skin or mucous membrane contact withcertain substances can develop an attack of the urticaria of this type. He is always accompanied by blisters, severe itching and burning. Quite often, latex becomes a provocateur. This type of urticaria can be accompanied by anaphylactic shock.
To stabilize the patient and notto allow changes in the form of a more complex (acute), it is necessary to diagnose the disease itself in a timely manner. With prolonged contact with the allergen in humans, there is an excessive accumulation of intracellular proteases (cathepsins) in the body, which is the cause of a prolonged urticaria, that is, a chronic form of the disease. The most resistant is the papular form of the urticaria. This is when the disease was not detected, and its treatment was not carried out, which was the reason for the formation of dense papules (nodules) of a reddish brown color.
How to treat urticaria in adults?Regardless of the course of the disease, treatment always begins with a change in diet. Possible allergens are excluded from the daily diet. Enterosorbents are prescribed for ingestion. The selection of such a complex of vitamins, which contains the necessary substances to maintain the normal functioning of the body.
In this case, the doctor usually prescribes ascorbicacid, "Riboflavin", "Pyridoxine" and other drugs. If the disease is accompanied by constipation, then laxatives and probiotics are prescribed.
If angioedema develops, then the patientadrenaline hydrochloride is injected subcutaneously. For choking, intravenous corticosteroids are required, as well as antihistamines and calcium chloride. Additionally, it is necessary to introduce diuretic drugs.
The disease, which has passed into the chronic form, is quite difficult to treat. What is the treatment of urticaria in adults with this course of the disease?
Here, the daily regimen, diet,and the elimination of chronic infections. For the diagnosis of the disease is assigned a number of laboratory tests necessary to identify the source. Only after a comprehensive study, the doctor selects an individual treatment, which not only relieves the symptoms of the underlying disease, but also eliminates comorbid disorders.
Drug therapy in this case includes:
On the question of how to treat urticaria in children, commonThere is no answer. There is simply no single drug. A doctor can prescribe a therapeutic treatment only after finding out the true causes of this reaction.
Although a certain method does exist. So, how to treat urticaria in children?
The first tool that you need to give your babywith an attack, is an antihistamine. Taking drugs in this category allows you to stop the development of the disease, as well as improve the child's well-being.
You can use the ointment, in whichincluded hormonal drugs. However, it is permissible to use these remedies only in case of severe development of the urticaria, since besides the excellent therapeutic effect, the use of the ointment can give a lot of adverse reactions.
Следующее, что дают ребенку, - мочегонные drugs. This category of drugs accelerates the removal of fluid from the body, which helps reduce swelling and, consequently, improve the condition of the little patient. However, electrolytes are removed from the body along with the fluid, so there is a need to control the quality of the blood.
Абсорбенты, обладая прекрасными впитывающими qualities, remove all harmful substances from the body. And since urticaria is a manifestation of an allergic reaction that occurs almost immediately after the provoking substance enters the body, there is a possibility that it has not yet been completely absorbed, and it can be removed with the help of an absorbent.
Sometimes a child needs plasmapheresis. During this procedure, the resulting allergic complexes are removed from the blood plasma. However, plasmapheresis is used only in very severe cases.
If angioedema began to develop, then the following set of measures is carried out.
Information on how to treat urticaria in hospitals has already been received. It's time to turn to traditional medicine.
Here are some effective recipes.
Traditional methods of treatment act only asadditional funds, but can not be a complete replacement for drug therapy. It is also necessary to make sure that the plant used does not become a source of allergy and does not aggravate the course of the disease. Now you know how to treat hives folk remedies.
Be healthy!