/ / When the only way out is surgery ... Hemorrhoids, as well as complex surgical interventions, can be avoided

When the only way out is surgery ... Hemorrhoids, as well as complex surgical interventions, can be avoided

For the treatment of most types and forms of hemorrhoidsit is enough to limit oneself to diet, medications and moderate loads. Surgical intervention is recommended only in severe forms. About how the modern treatment (sparing operation) of hemorrhoids is performed by laser or photocoagulation method, and also in which cases and to whom it is shown, read below.


hemorrhoid operation

    Surgery may be considered necessary when:

    • no positive results after conservative treatment;
    • progression of the disease;
    • loss of nodes with each defecation;
    • decrease in ability to work;
    • thrombosis of hemorrhoids;
    • heavy bleeding and the threat of anemia;
    • prolapse of the rectum.

    The last two factors usually becomedecisive, and in these cases an immediate operation is indicated. Hemorrhoids with complications can be avoided only in this case: with the loss of blood, not only does anemia occur, but an immediate threat to life arises.

    hemorrhoids laser surgery

    Laser operation

    Оперативному лечению сегодня есть достойная alternative. It's about laser coagulation. Treatment (usually it is more effective than traditional surgery) of a hemorrhoids with a laser gives an excellent result not only in the presence of external cones and their thrombosis, but also with nodes inside. What is the technique of the method? It is as simple as possible. The nodes inside are burned out by the laser, and they decrease. The wound is tightened. External nodes are removed even faster - by clipping with the same beam. The operation passes without bleeding, as the connective tissues are soldered immediately after circumcision. For those who really have operable hemorrhoids, laser surgery can be an ideal solution.

    Среди положительных моментов — безболезненность, the possibility of outpatient treatment (the operation takes up to 15 minutes), the lack of both special training and the recovery period, as well as blood loss (the beam immediately cauterizes the vessels). After such intervention there is no scarring left. In addition, the procedure can be performed even in the presence of inflammatory processes and cracks. By the way, the laser eliminates this problem.

    Наряду с такими важными плюсами, конечно, же, there are also disadvantages. First, such treatment (sparing operation) of hemorrhoids is expensive. Secondly, it is completely impossible to remove large nodes, so relapses are not excluded.

    With the diagnosis of "hemorrhoids" operation (the price of it - from 8up to 50 thousand rubles) is appointed by a doctor. The patient usually can not independently decide on such an intervention, since there are also contraindications (individual).

    hemorrhoids operation price

    A similar method

    Sometimes such a sparing operation is identified withphotocoagulation. However, these are different manipulations, although they are aimed at solving one problem. Here also the rays are used, but already in the infrared spectrum, focused. They are fed to the legs of the hemorrhoids. The incoming heat stops the resulting access of blood to the node, and the latter is soon rejected.

    It is important to know...

    If your doctor diagnosed a "hemorrhoids" andthen suddenly he began to insist on urgent treatment, saying that the inflammation can turn into cancer, rest assured: this is not true. Hemorrhoids and cancers do have very similar symptoms. But if you have already been examined, then there is no reason to worry about this. And to suffer from constant discomfort or still improve the quality of your life, you will figure it out for yourself. Remember that the last step is an operation. Hemorrhoids can be avoided (with a healthy lifestyle), and its initial stages are treated without surgery.

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