The medicine "Telfast" is a blockerhistamine receptors H1. The active ingredient is fexofenadine. The component has specific activity, does not have anticholinergic, anti-adrenergic and sedative effects.
Antihistamine activity is noted in the firsthour after administration. The drug reaches its maximum efficiency after six hours. The action of the medicine lasts a day. Studies have shown that after 28-day therapy habituation in patients does not develop. As clinical practice shows, for adults, the dosage of one hundred and twenty milligrams (the drug "Telfast 120") is sufficient to maintain therapeutic effectiveness throughout the day.
It is recommended to eliminate manifestations due to allergic rhinitis (seasonal) and idiopathic urticaria (chronic) in adults and children.
For patients from six to eleven years oldprescribe medication in the form of tablets containing thirty milligrams of active substance. The drug is recommended to take a day twice a pill. For children with a disorder of kidney function, prescribe the medication once a day.
For adults and children over the age of twelvethe dosage is set in accordance with the indications. The doctor may prescribe pills containing one hundred and eighty (Telfast 180) or one hundred and twenty milligrams of the active ingredient once a day.
When taking medication, dizziness, headache, fatigue, nausea, drowsiness may occur.
Medication "Telfast" instructions for use are notallows for children up to six years of age (for pills of thirty milligrams), patients up to twelve years old (for tablets of one hundred and twenty and one hundred and eighty milligrams).
Due to the fact that there is no data on the use during lactation and gestation, the drug is not recommended for lactating and pregnant.
With caution appoint a drug for kidney failure (chronic).
When taking antacids, containing magnesium or aluminum hydroxide, and the drug "Telfast" instructions for use recommends that the interval between two hours is observed between meals.
In connection with the lack of data on the use of medication in elderly patients, they prescribe medication with caution. In this case, the patient should be supervised by a doctor.
Given the pharmacodynamic profile and knownside effects, experts believe that the effect of the drug on the ability to drive vehicles or perform work associated with increased concentration of attention is unlikely. As a result of clinical studies, the effect of the drug on CNS activity was not established. However, to determine the sensitivity in patients to the action of the Telfast drug, the instruction for use recommends checking the individual reaction before the patient commences work, which requires a high rate of psychomotor reactions and concentration of attention.
When an overdose is likely a manifestation of nausea,dizziness, dry mouth, drowsiness. As a treatment, standard measures are recommended to eliminate a nonabsorbed preparation from the digestive tract. If necessary, supportive and symptomatic therapy is performed.
When the medication "Telfast" and the means "ketoconazole" or "Erythromycin" are combined, the concentration of the first increases in plasma two or three times.
The medicine should be stored at a temperature notmore than 25 degrees. Shelf life of the drug is three years. The Telfast agent does not recommend the use of the instructions after the specified time.
Despite the fact that the drug is available in pharmacies without a prescription, before using it you need to visit a doctor.