/ / Vestibular-atactic syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Vestibular-atactic syndrome: causes, symptoms, treatment

Sometimes a person starts to celebrate somedisturbances in the normal operation of the vestibular apparatus: during walking, dizzy, movements are poorly coordinated. This is mainly due to poor blood circulation in the brain. The specialist in this case can establish the following diagnosis: "vestibulo-atactic syndrome". This is a fairly common disease, the symptoms of which are familiar to many people. If any abnormalities in the brain are found, you should immediately contact a specialist.

Violation of coordination of movements. The reasons

One of the reasons that may lead toThe development of this syndrome is birth trauma. Hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy, hereditary predisposition - all of these factors can affect the correct work of the brain. However, in most cases there is an acquired impaired coordination of movements. The causes of this phenomenon are varied. This and all sorts of head injuries, and infectious diseases. Also contributes to the development of this syndrome, drug poisoning, adverse radiation background. The vestibular-atactic syndrome can manifest itself in malignant processes in the brain, hypertension, and atherosclerosis. A deficiency of essential minerals and trace elements, bad habits can also lead to its development.

Violation of coordination of movements. The reasons

Symptomatology of the disease

First of all, the disease is expressed in violationwork of the cardiovascular system. As a result, there are problems with both the general circulation and the cerebral circulation. The disease is insidious because its early manifestation may remain unnoticed by humans. The vestibular-atactic syndrome at later stages is frequent dizziness, which is sometimes accompanied by even vomiting, twitching of the eyes, impaired coordination of movements, loss of balance. When a patient is ill, it is often difficult to maintain a static posture. Also note complaints about tinnitus, blinking dots ("flies") appear before your eyes. The feeling of fatigue does not pass, sleep is disturbed. Depending on the intensity of the symptoms, several stages of the disease are distinguished.

Vestibulo-atactic syndrome

Stages of vestibulo-atactic syndrome

Mild disease is characterized by onlyminor changes. Man’s gait, coordination of his movements is disturbed. The moderate stage is a rather noticeable problem in the work of the vestibular apparatus. When walking, you can notice pronounced hesitations, often headache (with vomiting). Pronounced vestibulo-atactic syndrome is characterized by strong problems with the motor functions of the body. It is difficult for the patient to even sit, he is practically incapable of keeping himself upright. It is worth noting that very often at this stage, people completely lose the ability to move. This form of the disease leads to disability.

Pronounced vestibulo-atactic syndrome

Vestibulo-atactic syndrome. Diagnostics

To confirm the diagnosis, the doctor usescertain diagnostic methods. The patient must make a biochemical blood test, urinalysis. The most informative is magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, you may need doppler sonography. Often, diagnosis of “vestibulo-atactic syndrome” requires rheoencephalography (i.e., an analysis of blood supply to the brain). In addition to the above methods, experts further investigate the spinal cord. The doctor also uses special rapid tests that help to further assess the motor functions of a person.

Vestibulo-atactic syndrome. Diagnostics

Romberg's test. Evaluation of static ataxia

Ataxia - a violation of coordination of movementswhich are committed arbitrarily. Such a state is manifested by problems with accuracy, direction, pace of movements. Romberg's test is made to assess static ataxia and cerebellum functions. It is he who is responsible for the balance, tone and consistency of the various actions of the muscles of the body. The patient must stand in a certain position: the legs should be together, arms stretched forward. In this case, the fingers are apart. Initially, the patient's eyes are open, then he closes them. If there are problems in the work of the cerebellum, the person begins to stagger, lose balance. As a rule, fingers are deflected to the side where the hemisphere is affected.

Vestibulo-atactic syndrome. Treatment

Finger and knee samples

При проведении пальценосовой пробы доктор просит patient to reach the tip of his own nose with his index finger (his eyes are closed). The defeat of the cerebellum is manifested by trembling in the hands, tremor. If the case is rather difficult, the person may miss.

Коленопяточная проба совершается из положения lying down. The patient must first lift one leg, then hit her knee (the other leg). Then you should hold the heel on the lower leg of the opposite leg. If there is a lesion of the cerebellum, it will be rather difficult, if not impossible, to perform such movements.

Treatment methods of vestibulo-atactic syndrome

Vestibulo-atactic syndrome treatmentsuggests the following. Antihypertensive therapy is underway. Blood pressure levels are monitored every day. This disease requires a radical change in the usual way of life. Conservative treatment includes a change in diet, and the rejection of bad habits. It is necessary to reduce cholesterol. Statins are often used for this.

However, you should remember the root cause of the disease.The specialist may prescribe special drugs that will stimulate blood circulation in the brain (for example, Kavinton, Trental). Some of the most effective drugs for the treatment of the syndrome are Mexidol and Actovegin. Also, conservative treatment at later stages involves the use of antidepressants, physiotherapy manipulation. If positive dynamics is not observed, surgical intervention may be required. The operation is performed in the region of the vertebral artery (vasomotor fibers intersect). As a rule, surgery significantly improves blood circulation. Positive results are observed in 70% of patients.

Conservative treatment

Prevention methods

To avoid the appearance of such a state asvestibulo-atactic syndrome, you need to properly take care of your health. It is worth remembering that tobacco and alcohol are among the worst enemies of our body. Proper nutrition, the minimum amount of fat will also contribute to the preservation of the health of blood vessels and other organs. It is necessary to avoid strong emotional outbursts, stressful situations. Constant weight control will help prevent obesity, which, in turn, is directly related to the occurrence of vestibulo-atactic syndrome. Exercise is welcome, but it should be moderate. All diseases must be treated on time so that they do not become chronic. And of course, you should remember about preventive visits to a neuropathologist, therapist.

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