/ / Mellory Weiss Syndrome

Mellory Weiss Syndrome

Many people live their lives, not at all.taking care of yourself. But everyone knows that in order to live happily ever after, it is necessary to take care of one's health. Endless feasts, holidays, rivers of alcohol, a constant temptation to eat something tasty, but very harmful, causes irreparable harm to the human body. It is alcohol lovers who most often have big health problems. One of them is Mellory Weiss syndrome. In most cases, this disease occurs in men aged 45-60 years. First of all, it is characterized by vomiting with an admixture of blood.

Mellory Weiss syndrome is a rupture of the mucosa in the area between the stomach and esophagus. He has the following symptoms:

  • gastroesophageal haemorrhage;
  • erosion of the esophagus;
  • persistent vomiting;
  • intense pain in the abdomen;
  • hemorrhages in the small omentum;
  • pallor of the facial skin;
  • lethargy;
  • tachycardia;
  • possibility of shock development.

What are the reasons for this disease?

- Alcoholism.

- Pregnancy.

- Bulimia.

- Cough.

- Hiccup.

- Diaphragmatic hernia.

- Blunt injuries of the abdomen (road accidents, falls from a height, impacts).

- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

- Vomiting caused by excessive use of alcohol, pancreatitis, overeating, chronic intoxication, cholecystitis.

- Damage to the esophagus.

Mellory Weiss syndrome is diagnosed quite simply. When analyzing blood, a reduced amount of red blood cells and increased platelets will be detected.

The greatest value isendoscopic examination. It gives an opportunity to view the longitudinal rupture of the esophageal mucosa. This allows you to more accurately diagnose and begin treatment.

As a rule, Mallory Weiss's syndrome manifests itselfquite "colorful". At the very beginning, with rupture of the mucous membrane, there may be no blood in the vomit. But it will not take long to wait and will certainly appear a little later. Plus, there is pain in the abdomen, which will persecute the patient constantly. In particular, if the disease is not treated, but continue to experience fate, drinking alcohol and adhering to an incorrect lifestyle.

It is difficult enough to stop the Mallory SyndromeWeiss. Treatment must be done by specialists. The primary goal is the complete restoration of blood volume in the human body. In this case, a variety of crystalloid, colloidal solutions are used. In case of large blood loss, blood transfusion is administered. It can be fresh frozen plasma or erythrocyte masses.

A major problem in the treatment of this diseaseis a constant bleeding. It is stopped with octreotide or aminocaproic acid. All is complicated by frequent attacks of vomiting. Because of this, it becomes impossible to use certain medicines. Vomiting can be stopped with a drug such as "Metoclopramide" (or else "Cerucal").

Bleeding is stopped and mechanically using the Blackmore probe. Achievable hemostatic effect due to compression of the bleeding vessels in the esophagus.

There are so complicated cases of the disease that,despite the above methods, bleeding does not stop. In this case, endoscopic methods of stopping it are used: argon-plasma coagulation, electrocoagulation, ligation, clipping of vessels, adrenaline-prone bleeding, and a combination of different methods.

In particularly difficult cases, these measures may be ineffective, and surgical intervention is required. Most often it is recommended to stitch bleeding vessels and gastrotomy.

It is always worth remembering that the disease is easier to prevent than treat. Take care of yourself, and do not have to spend time and money on doctors and medications.

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